The End 3.0

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Sara's POV

I waited down in the basement with Ashton in Luke. Back in the room where I started. I was hard to be in there. It reminded me of everything that happened in the past couple hours.

"Where is she?" Luke asked. He was walking back and forth. His body language told me he was really nervous for Soni to come back. 

"She'll be back any minute. Relax." Ashton said. 

"Yeah but what if she doesn't come back?" I said. "You know I still don't trust her. She tried killing us all, did you forget that?!" 

"Yeah, but did you forget that she killed Vincent to prove that she is  with us 100%?" Ashton was right. Although I I may never trust her again, I had to trust her this last time. It was the only way to figure out the really story of what was going on. 

"I guess you're right." I walked over to Luke and stood in the way of the path that he was walking in. "Stop pacing, you're creating a draft." He laughed a little. "Here come sit, it should only be a couple more minutes." 

We walked over and sat next to Ashton. We sat in silence for about 5 minutes until we finally heard Soni in the hall. "She's here." Luke said. 

Soni opened the door. "Okay so, I sent Jason to look for Ben and Lucy because they went to the house to get Aubree and Karen." 

"I'm Sorry but, who's Karen?" Luke asked. 

"Its my so called mom." I answered "I always called her mom because that what I thought she was, but theres no point now." 

"Oh okay." Ashton said nodding 

"Okay we have about 20 minutes until they get back." Soni said. She motioned for us to come out of the room. We followed her up to the empty lab. "I told them to meet me in the lab and text me when they get back. So before they come back we need to make sure we are all prepared for the ambush." 

We all nodded. "So we need to have the sleeping quarters ready with the chairs for when we tie them up." I said walking into the quarters. I put out 6 chairs. One for each of them, Lucy, Ben, Aubree, Karen, and Jason. I stepped back and looked at the chairs.

 Ashton walked in. "You okay?" 

"Yeah, It just hasn't all sunken in yet thats all." I answered 

"I know. It hasn't for me either. I mean considering this has all happened so fast." He paused and walked up behind me. "You know what I just realized?" 


"Two days ago, Luke and I charged in the warehouse to save you both." I turned around and looked at him.

"Yeah I bet you are wishing you didn't do that." I said with a little laugh. 

"Nah." He answered. "Id do it all over again to be honest."

I smiled. "I don't think I ever did thank you for that." 

"No need for any thank you." 

"I know." I paused. "But thank you." 

We stood there for a minute until Soni came in the room to look for us. "Oh there you are." She said walking in. "Are you all ready in here?"

"Yeah I think we're good." I answered. 

"Okay good because they just texted me saying they are on their way back." I looked at the clock 

'5am' Read the clock. "Wow its 5am." Ashton said. 

"Yeah!" I answered. "Who knew that all of this would happen in one night." 

He laughed. We both walked out into the lab and saw everyone standing around the table. 

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