The Path

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Sara's POV

The next few days went by. They were uneventful. Just normal school. Homework, studying, tests. Ben still doesn't know that I know about Lucy and him. I told Soni about what I saw that night. Even 4 days later I can't process everything that happened that night. Soni suggested not telling Ben that I know but I don't know if I will. I'm still thinking about my mother. I haven't gotten anything else from the unknown person or group. I hope my mothers okay. 

*Saturday Morning. 8:30am

I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. I sat up in bed. "Who is it and what do you want?" I asked.

"It's Soni and Ashton. Now open up. It's important." I heard Soni say.

"Is someone dying?" I asked

"No..." I heard Ashton say.

"Then it's not that important." I said giggling.

"Just get your lazy butt out of bed, and open the door." Soni yelled.

I looked over to see that Jennifer was still asleep. Thank god. I didn't want to have to deal with her right now. I got out of bed and grabbed my jacket next to my bed. I walked over and opened the door. "You realize it's 8:30am. I should be sleeping."

I gave her a look. "Can I just get dressed in your room? I really don't want to deal with Jennifer again."

"Ugh. Fine."

I walked over to my closet and got out clothes. I grabbed my bin full of everything that I need in order to be ready for the day, and I walked over to Soni's room.

When I walked in Soni, Ashton, and Luke, were there. "Get dressed we are just waiting for you." Soni said.

I gave her a look "Well I woke up 5 minutes ago. Do you really think I can get ready that fast?" I asked.

"Go now." Soni said pointing to the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and did my hair and make up. By the time I walked back out, Jason had came. "Okay ready. Now why are we going?" I asked.

Ashton winked "On an adventure." He said quoting me.

"I'm driving. Lets go" Soni said grabbing her keys.

"Awe, why can't I drive?" I asked.

Soni gave me a look. "Did you really just ask that?" I nodded. "No. Now come one."

We walked down stairs and got in Soni's car. I had no idea where we were going, but I decided to trust them. We drove into town and started going towards the mountains. "So can you tell me where we are going now?" I asked.

"We just decided to drive and see where we ended up at to be honest." Soni laughed. We parked the car in the mountains and decided to go explore for a little. As we started walking we came across this path. "What do you think is down there?" Luke joked.

"Wait do you guys hear that?" Soni asked. "It sounds like someones yelling 'Help'"

I started listening. "Yeah, I do what do you think it is."

"Theres only one way to find out." Soni started climbing up the fence that was blocking the path. "Are you guys coming?"

"Why don't we just call the police. Its probably to dangerous for us to go down there." Ashton suggested.

"No we have to go. Now. By the time the police get here its going to be too late." Soni added

"Well, I don't like the idea of this but," I paused to decide wether I should let her die or if I should go with her.

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