The Lab Part 2

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Sara's POV

"Wait are you serious?" Tobias Said basically reading all our minds. "Is this a joke?"

"No I'm 100% serious." She answered. "My mom is making me come home. She doesn't like me being here anymore."

"Wow." I was in complete shock hearing this. I didn't know what else I should say. We all stood in silence for a while. No one knew what to say or do. Our group has been together since middle school, no one wanted us to be split up.

Finally after a while Jessica broke the silence. "I have one more week here though!" She said trying to smile.

"Okay, well we will just all have to make the best of it right?" Carter said trying to cheer everyone up.

"Absolutely!" Andrew replied.

I looked at Soni. I knew that we weren't going to be able to spend to much time with her because we had to work in the lab as much as possible. "Um yeah we'll have to try. I know I have to be in the lab a lot for forensics." Soni said trying to make up an excuse for us. She gave me a look letting me know that this was my time to chime in with her.

"Oh yeah!" I said agreeing with her. "We have that big lab project due this week!" Everyone looked at us. "We will definitely have to hang out in our free time though." I said trying to be nice.

"Nice save." Soni whispered to me after everyones attention turned away from us.

"Thanks." I whispered back.

"Okay well thats all I wanted to tell you all." Jessica said wrapping things up. "Anyone have anything else that they would like to say?" She asked

"Oh yeah I have something." I quickly. Soni gave me a 'be careful of what you say' look. I nodded to her assuring her that what I was about to say was okay. "Has anyone seen Jason? Because I haven't seen him and I'm starting to get worried."

Everyone nodded their heads no. My heart sunk. I had hoped that someone had heard from him. "Okay thanks anyways. If anyone sees him please tell him to call me." Everyone nodded and started walking back to our rooms. It was going on 9pm and most people went back to their rooms to work on last minute homework.

Valory, Soni and I all stayed back. "What did you need?" I asked after everyone was gone.

"Okay so today headmaster called me into her office for a "meeting" with her." She started.. "And she told me that, they are going to be reassigning rooms. And she wants to know if the three of us would like to be together in a room." At the sound of that Soni and I became very excited considering I hate my roommate and we have a lot of work to do for finding out moms. The more time the better.

"I would love to." I started off saying. "I mean if you guys are okay with that."

"I'm great with that." Soni replied. I could tell that she was thinking the same thing as me.

"Okay. Great tomorrow morning they are making the announcement, so she told me to pick two people that I would want to share a room with, so they can get us a three people room." Valory explained.

"Okay great!" I said. "When do I get out the death hole that I share with the demon?" I asked laughing.

"Friday." She answered "So you have to be with Jennifer for one more week." She replied.

I sighed at the sound of that. It was annoying, but still I was excited to be moving out of the room with Jennifer. I have lived in that room for 2 years and now that I'm moving out, Im happy.

"Well I think we should get going." I said to Soni. We could be in the lab until 11 on weekends, so we had another two hours of work to do. "Thanks for getting me out of the room V!" I said.

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