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I've known Vincent for about a year now. He used to go to the same school as my friends and I, however I never really talked to him. He is really close to Soni. I hate that. I used to be really close to Vincent until last year when I turned him down for one of his friends. (For the record I wish i hadn't done that) Then him and one of his friends started talking crap about me so that kinda ruined the friendship we had. He is still really good friends with Soni and that bothers me. I don't want what happened with me and Vincent to happen to Soni and him.

"Why are you here?" I said with a rude tone.

"Why are you here?" He said mimicking me. "Yeah shut up I'm not here to talk to you." He walked over to Soni "Can I talk to you outside please."

"Why would you need to talk to her." I said cutting in "She doesn't even like you."

Soni shot me a look. She knew that I hate her being friends with him, but she didn't care. "Yeah sure. Um Sarah I'll be right back." She said walking into the hall with him.

Without thinking I went over to the door to eavesdrop. I couldn't hear much just mostly questions on what Soni and I were talking about and question on where she went when we went out. As soon as I heard him leave I ran to the other side of the room so she wouldn't know I was listening.

"What was that about?" I asked

"I know you were listening." She said giving me a look "Im not stupid you know."

"How did you know?" I asked

"Well first off, you were out of breath when I came in the room. and secondly......I heard you run across the room." I guess I'm not a quiet runner. I thought. "I do have to applaud you though. You never run."

"Well why would I let you talk to him alone. You know how I feel about him." I said

"Yeah. How could i forget, you tell me all the time how much you hate him." She walked into the bathroom to get changed into shorts for bed.

I looked down at my phone and saw that Ben had texted me

'Meet me in the South Wing. -Ben'

"Hey I'm going to get going. Second day of school tomorrow. I think I should get some sleep." I lied

"Oh okay. Well I guess I'll text you tomorrow before breakfast so we can meet before seeing the others." She replied

"Okay sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight" I walked out of her room and started walking to the south wing where ben told me to meet him.

'Ill be there in a minute I just left. -Sara" I texted to him

As I approached the Wing, I heard talking. It sounded like Ben and some girl. Her voice sounded familiar but, I couldn't figure out who's voice it was. I peeked around the corner enough to see Ben and the girl from lunch.

"......She's on her way.....I know I wish you could stay longer too.......Look Lucy I love you too but....." At the sound of that a flood of emotions came over me. I was angry, sad, hurt, but mostly relived. I walked away without saying anything.

'I got held up with one of my friends who reminded me about work that I forgot to do. I can't make it. Sorry! -Sara'

I walked back upstairs, but instead of going back to my room I found myself at Ashton's room. Without thinking I knocked the door. Just as I regretted my decision of being at his room, it was to late, He opened the door.

"Oh hey! What are you doing here?" He asked

Without saying anything I hugged Ashton. "He loves Lucy."

"That's great! Right?" He asked.

"Yeah! That means that we can be together. But how do I tell him I saw him with Lucy?

"So he doesn't know that you know?" He asked.

I went over to his bed and sat down. He came and sat next to me. "No he texted me and told me to meet him in the south wing and when I got there I saw them together. Your the first person I came too."

I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Calum walk in. He was Ashton's roommate.

"Oh hey Sara." He sounded shocked to see me. "Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you hear?"

"Actually, I was just leaving" I said standing up heading towards the door.

"Oh okay." Ashton said. "Um I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay." I replied "Calum it was nice to see you. We should hang out soon."

"Oh yeah sounds good. We will see you at breakfast tomorrow?" Calum asked.

"Sounds good." I said. I walked out the door and down to my room. I was extremely tired. All I wanted to do was take a shower and go to sleep. I got in my room and decided just to lay down for a couple minutes and check my phone before I took my shower. Except I fell asleep before taking a shower.


So I kinda figured out where this is going. But I'm not 100% sure.


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