Part 6?

190 9 4

Sara's POV

"Oh my God what just happened?!" I said reacting to the kiss.

"Um, is there something wrong?" Ashton replied

"Yes there is. Look I didn't tell you this but, I actually already have a boyfriend." I noticed Ashton's face change at the sound of that. He looked disappointed. "Look I'm sorry I should have told you....."

"Yeah that would have been nice to know!" Ashton said cutting me off.

"The thing is I really like you. But I don't know what to do about Ben." I cut in before he could continue.

"Well you should probably decide. If you want to be with Ben then tell me now, because I don't want to be hurt by you." I looked into Ashton's eyes. I don't know what to do.

"Okay. We should a probably get going. It's getting late." I said changing the subject.

"Yeah we should. We don't want to get yelled at by your mom for being to late." He said jokingly

I had completely forgotten about the letter. My mom. I don't know where she was or what was happening. And the thought of that scared me.

"Are you okay. You look scared or something?" I guess I showed the fear a little to much.

Should I tell him? I wondered. I think I can trust him. I decided to tell him everything that I knew. I told him about the letter and who was missing and I told him how scared I was.

"It's okay. We will find out who did this and we will find you mom. I promise."

We drove back without talking. The only sound was the radio. When we got back we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I texted Soni to see if she was awake.

'Are you awake. I'm back. Is Carter in the room?'

To my surprise just after I got back in my room, my phone buzzed.

'I'm awake but I have no idea where Carter is. Why?'

I went over to her room and frantically knocked on her door until she answered.

"Oh good! Your awake!" I said walking in her room uninvited.

"Please come in!" She said sarcastically. "What do you want and why did you need to know if Carter was here?"

"I kissed Ashton."

"WHAT!?!?!" She yelled! "YOU REALIZE YOUR DATING BEN RIGHT! HOW...WHAT....WHEN...WHY?" She was unable to finish her sentences.

"I don't know it just kinda happened! I took him up on the mountain to show him the city and we talked for a hour or two and then next thing you know he kissed me!" I was freaking out because I didn't know what would happen if Ben found out. "YOU CANNOT TELL ANYONE!!"

"Okay, okay, I won't. It's going to be extremely hard but I won't." She said. I sighed with relief.

"Now that I got that off my chest, what happened with Luke!" I asked

"Well I have completely fallen for him!" She looked so happy. I haven't seen her this happy in a while. I couldn't help but smile.

"Did anything happen?"

"Not quite yet but, he did ask me out on a real date!"

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS? THATS AMAZING!!" I practically tackled her. I was so happy for her. Ever since her heartbreak with Justin I thought she would never be as happy as she was now.

"Yeah!!! I can't wait. It's going to be...." She was cut off by the sound of her door opening. I looked over to see who it was. There stood the person I hated the most. Vincent.


So this was kind of short I don't really know where I'm going with this but. Yeah


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