Chapter 1 - Partners!! Why me?

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Naomi's POV

At the moment I was jumping through the forest heading back to the base. There weren't very many people left in the Akatsuki now. There was me, Tobi, Kisame, Zetzu, Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo. Tobi was basically the leader now but he and I both know I could kick his ass easily.

The wind in my hair felt nice but it stopped when I came to the entrance to the base. I did the necessary hand signs and the big boulder opened. I walked in to see everyone sitting at the meeting table.

"Did I miss something?" I asked in an emotionless voice which has now become my normal tone of voice.

"No your just in time Princess" Tobi said and I took my seat at the opposite end of the table to Sasuke.

I was forced to tolerate him and not kill him because Itachi would haunt me forever. Sasuke is the one Itachi died for anyways so if I killed him Itachi would have died for nothing.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tobi saying, "Ok, so I've decided I'm going to put you all in pairs-" he was interrupted by Suigetsu groaning.

"Do you have a problem.....Suigetsu?" Tobi asked glaring at him.

"N-no" he stuttered and I smirked.

"Now continuing on, I'm going to make 4 groups of 2. The groups will be Me and Zetzu, Kisame and Jugo....." Now I wasn't happy because I was either paired with a fangirl who annoys the crap out of me, my bastard of a brother or a perverted water guy. ".....Sasuke and Karin, and Naomi and Suigetsu" Tobi finished and Sasuke didn't look happy, Karin was squealing and blushing, Suigetsu was smirking and I was about to murder someone.

"You have got to be f***ing kidding me?" I said and he shook his head no.

"I have paired you all together for specific reasons; if Jugo were to lose control, Kisame can just drain his chakra, Karin is put with Sasuke because of her medical and sensory skills and Suigetsu is put with you, Princess, so you can't kill him, if you try he can just turn to water" Tobi explained and I glared at him, stood up and went to my room to have a shower.

While I was having a shower the drain was making weird noises but I took no notice to it until a sadly familiar head stuck out of the water.

"AHHHHHHH" I screamed from the shock of being perved on and got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me then Sasuke came running in.

Sasuke's POV

"AHHHHHHH" I heard a scream that sounded familiar come from Naomi's bathroom. I jumped up and ran to her room. I barged the door open to find Naomi wrapped in a towel ready to kill Suigetsu who was standing in her shower. I glared at him and he gulped and I walked up to him with my Mangekyō activated.

I dragged him by his neck out into the hallway and pinned him to the wall by his neck.

"What the f**k do you think you were doing in my little sisters shower?" I growled while he tried to think of an answer.

"Well I was swimming around in the water drains when I decided to pop up in one of the showers, which just happened to be your sisters?" He replied in a questioningly way.

My grip tightened around his neck but I was interrupted by Madara, "Enough Sasuke" he said and I tightened my grip slightly and whispered in his ear "I better not catch you sneaking around in my sisters bathroom ever again, got it?" He nodded frantically so I let go and walked back to Naomi's room.

I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer so I just walked in and sat on the bed. Naomi walked out in just her undies and bra. I averted my eyes to the roof.

"What do you want?" She asked bitterly while putting her normal attire on, which included, a white, long sleeved kimono type shirt like I used to wear with the Uchiha crest on the back and she had bandages under it to hide her cleavage, short, tight, black pants, black sandals, bandages around her right thigh with her kunai holder on top, her scratched leaf head band around her waist acting like a belt, she also wears black, elbow length gloves that I remember Shisui got for her when she was brought back from the hospital. She hasn't really changed appearance wise except her hair is longer.

"I was just checking on you" I replied nicer than normal.

"Why would you care?" I see she still holds grudges.

"I care because I'm your brother, and you shouldn't hold grudges" I explained and she looked at me with a 'wtf' face.

"You egotistical hypocrite!!! You held a stupid grudge from when you were 6 to when you were 16, that's 10 f***ing years. Now your telling me to forgive you for treating me like shit, insulting my decisions, leaving me for dead and killing the most important person in my life!" When she finished she slapped me and I could feel blood run down my cheek.

"Out" she said so I stood up whispering, "I deserved that and I'm sorry" then I walked out of the room.


A/N: Ok, so first chapter is finished. Please tell me what you think of the new book???? I love reading people's comments!!!! It motivates me!!

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