Chapter 7 - It's on

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I met Tobi at the training ground in the forest with my scrolls that have all my stuff in them packed into my bag already. Everyone else was already out here. It was kinda miserable because there were storm clouds sitting directly above us and it looked like it was going to rain.

"Are you sure you want to do this Princess?" Tobi asked me.

"Crystal" I say smirking while putting my hands in the tiger seal. Ha, the battle is already over and he had no idea.

"Alright then, let's begin" he said and I dropped my hands back to my sides pulling out a kunai. He seemed to look at my katana sheath weirdly to see that it was empty. I smirked again at him.

"Are you going to make the first move or am I?" He asked.

"Oh I already have" I said once again with a smirk on my face.

"Oh really-" he began making hand signs. "-Fire Style: Blast Wave Wild Dance" he said and a giant spiral of wild fire came towards me.

"Fire style: Great Wirlwind" I countered and it went for the centre of the fire tornado and dispersed both of them. Whilst there was a massive cloud of smoke blocking both of our views, I made 10 shadow clones and a summoning.

"Summoning Jutsu" I said and Manda appeared facing our audience.

"Ahh, if it isn't Orochimaru's favourite, the little Uchiha boy, was it you who dared to summon me? Where's Orochimaru?" Manda asked my brother.

"I wasn't the one who summoned you. And Orochimaru is dead. I killed him a while ago" Sasuke said smugly to him.

"Why you little brat-" he began to lunge toward Sasuke but was cut off by me.

"-Manda!" I called out and he immediately stopped.

"That can't be her" he whispered and turned around.

"P-princess Naomi, it's and honour to be in your presence. U-umm I can feel K-kiyara's chakra. Sh-she's in a good mood right?" He asked flustered.

Kiyara chuckled and I held my head in pain. 'It's been a while since I've seen him' she said. Ever since the last time she took over I haven't heard much from Madara and more from her. Every time she says something, it hurts so bad.

"Manda, I need you and my clones to distract Tobi" I ordered and he nodded.

"Anything for you Princess" he said and they burst through the smoke heading towards Tobi as I hid up in a tree secretly, hiding my chakra.

I began the process of my ultimate jutsu.

Tobi's POV

Once the smoke cleared, a clone of Naomi and a giant snake came towards me, the clone with a kunai in hand. It made hand signs and appeared behind me to stab me with the kunai. I used Kamui and she went straight through me, I turned and elbowed the clone in the back of the head and it dispersed as another one came from behind me. I kicked it in the stomach and it dispersed.

"Sealing Jutsu" I quickly said and placed my hand on the giant snaked head by jumping up there. I didn't have time to deal with the summoning.

Next 2 clones wielding the chidori came at me from both sides. I used Kamui just as they were about to hit me but these clones were smarter, they stepped around me and attacked just as my Kamui deactivated. I was forced to jump up. I made the necessary hand signs for The Great Fireball Jutsu and blew a fire ball at the two clones.

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