Chapter 18 - Impossible

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~Very sorry for the long wait!~

As promised, Itachi had found a river  to swim in. Me and Shisui watched and laughed as Itachi tried to wrangle his daughter. At the present time she was being a brat as usual.

"Come here Amaterasu Uchiha, the water isn't that bad" he tries to convince but fails as she crosses her legs and sits with her back to us.

"I'm not going near the water if she's there" she turned, said, and pointed directly at me. I gained an irk mark at her crazy antics. Shisui noticed and took action. He bent down to Amaterasu's level and said,

"How about I take her away for a while, will you be good for your dad?" He asks sweetly. She nods like a child and Shisui gets a smug look on his face. I glare in his direction, my irk mark growing.

"Let's go" he says and throws me over his shoulder. I growl at him but he just grins that bright grin of his. Itachi gives us a suspicious look but Akari distracts him with Amaterasu. Gotta love Akari.

He walks along the river bank with me still over his shoulder. Once were a safe distance from the others, he puts me down and pushes me against the tree. I open my eyes to meet his deep onyx eyes mirroring mine. I feel my cheeks heat up at the close proximity of our bodies, something that I've never experienced before. He smirks at the deep, pink blush on my usually emotionless face. Everything seems to stop as all I can focus on is him, and the soothing sound of the running water.

"We haven't really had a moment alone have we?" He asked.

"Well that's what happens when your trying to hide things from Itachi Uchiha" I deadpan. "What if he finds us?"

"Just relax for a second, he's not gonna find us, and so what if he does? He won't mind I'm sure, lets just enjoy this moment together, alone" he finished and joined his soft lips with mine. He dropped my hands from his grip above my head and placed one on my face and the other around my waist. I let mine slide around his neck and deepened the kiss. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. Never had I felt this type of energy with someone. I was so entranced with him that I let my guard down for the first time ever.

Third POV

Itachi watched with a weary glance as Shisui carried his little sister away. Itachi was a smart man, he knew something was going on between the two. But he had to double think about following them. He looked in the direction they went but Akari shook her head with a smile.

"Cmon Ama, lets go in the water" she said offering a hand to her daughter. Amaterasu grabbed her hand and pulled herself up. Itachi was already in the water and held his arms out for Amaterasu. She hesitated on getting in but did so anyway.

Finally the three could have time together as a real family.

Although little did any of them know, there was a trio hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. And that was unknown to all 5 Uchiha.

??? POV

I watched, and I waited. I've been waiting for a very long time for this moment. The blood of and Uchiha will be mine, and what better than one of the strongest Uchiha to exist. This was the perfect moment, she was completely distracted by that boy. Somehow him and her brother were alive. It was no use going for Itachi, he was far to wise and intelligent to attack. And then this boy, Shisui of the Body Flicker, posseser of the  Kotoamatsukami. Far to strong to attack. The young girl, she was too weak. She wouldn't last. And I don't have to time to nurture her. If I had known about her earlier, I would have gone for her. That leaves the last two. Naomi Uchiha, should have never left the Akatsuki. Although Tobi wants her, he can have her after I'm finished with her. She would have been safer there. And the last one, also another I didn't know about, Akari Uchiha. She had not only the Uchiha Kekkei Genkai, but also another. The Chakra Fists. Since it would also be futile going after Sasuke, as he would no doubt kill me the first chance he got, I decided if take bother the girls. Me and one or my associates would target Naomi, as Shisui would fight back. And the other goes for Akari. Only one was needed for her because Itachi would be too busy protecting his daughter.

I waited for a little while longer and gave the signal. As soon as I gave the signal, a mix of shurikem, Kunai and senbon were hurled directly at Shisui. As planned, Naomi noticed them right at the last minute and pushed him out of the way, the force pushing her into the position I needed. Her guard was still down to my advantage and I came around the tree and stuck a needle in her neck, knocking her straight out. Shisui's eyes widened as he saw his girlfriend fall to the ground unconscious. He began to run to her but I stepped in front of her body and my partner began to pick her up.

"What have you done to her! Let her go!" He yelled making hand signs.

"Fire style: Phoenix Flower Justu" he said and multiple fire balls headed for me. He was overwhelmed, just what I expected. Once the fire had cleared, he was gone and reappeared behind my lackey. He jabbed him in the throat and stabbed him in the heart with a kunai. Naomi began to fall with the man who was holding her. Shisui went to grab her but I prevented him from doing so with a justu. I didn't need to fight Shisui, I just wanted the girl. I grabbed her before she hit the ground and disappeared. He fell to his knees, defeated. He slammed his fists against the ground and screamed. I smirked from the shadows and went to the rendezvous point.

Itachi' POV

Out of nowhere a barrage of kunai and shuriken were thrown at us. Out of instinct I pulled out a kunai and deflected all of them as Akari grabbed Amaterasu and got out of the water. I stood on top of the water and looked around for a chakra signature. What scarred me was that the only signature I could feel besides the three here, was Shisui. Where was Naomi's?! I began to freak out not noticing Akari get knocked out. I immediately ran to Amaterasu who was trying to defend Akari. She got pushed aside as the mystery ninja grabbed Akari. I flashed behind Amaterasu and caught her as we fell to the ground. Once I got up, Akari was gone.

"AKARI!" I yelled as Amaterasu began crying.

"Shh, shh" I cooed in her ear as I held her tight. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone stumble into the clearing. I got in a defensive stance but lowered it as I saw a distressed Shisui fall to the ground. Tear stains on his face.

"Where's Naomi?!" I demanded. He shook his head and punched the ground. A tear slipped from my eye. Two of the most important people in my life had just been taken without warning. And we couldn't do anything about it. We don't even know who it was. This was bad, very bad. They had Naomi and Akari.

What in the world were we going to do?


A/N: Finlly, and update! Again, sorry for the wait. I feel like I say that a lot. The updates will probably be a bit apart but I promise there will be updates, I won't just stop updating with out saying anything.

Please tell me what you think as I didn't get many comments last time. I do feel like the last chapter was kinda boring tho. So I hope this was more interesting.

Who do you think took the girls???

First person to guess right gets a shout out 😁

Comment your thoughts 👍🏼

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