Chapter 34 - The Rise of New Peace

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Spoiler Alert for part of the end of Shippuden!!!

Away from the battle, two past enemies were doing good for the world for once. With the help of Obito Uchiha, Kabuto had done miracles by bringing both Sasuke and Naruto back. Both were quite confused thinking that was the end for them, but suddenly air reached their lungs. They had met in their short time in the after life. They came in contact with none other than the Sage of Six Paths himself as he told them the story of his two sons.

"Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, I welcome you back and ask greatly for your assistance. I know I have caused much pain to both of you but I am determined to do some good before my time is up. Time is crucial and we must help the forces that are facing Madara. You two need to work together and put aside your differences just for this battle. Now, will you join us?" Obito gave a small speech. Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other for a short amount of time until Sasuke stuck out his hand. Naruto looked shocked for a second but soon after shook Sasuke's hand with a grin.

"Lets get going then" Naruto said. Obito nodded and transported them all to the battle ground with Kamui. They appeared behind where Itachi and Tsunade were watching the scene ahead unfold. Both shinoni turned around ready to strike but stopped when they saw Naruto and Sasuke. Itachi froze and stared at his younger brother as a tear slipped down his cheek. He walked towards him and embraced him in a hug. Sasuke returned his hug. Itachi then embraced Naruto in a hug as well.

"I am glad you are both alive" he said with a smile.

"Boys we have a tough battle ahead" Tsunade said.

"Don't you worry Granny, just stay here with Itachi and me and Sasuke will go and help Naomi out" Naruto told them with a thumbs up. Sasuke nodded at him as they both headed to the battle.

Three Susanoo's stood tall as they faced off. Madara with his perfect Susanoo, Naomi with her Susanoo infused with the chakra of Kiyara, and Shisui with his. Very suddenly an arrow of purple flames shot straight towards Madara who knocked it away with the arm of his Susanoo. Sasuke appeared at the side of Naomi with Naruto next to him in his Kyuubi cloak.

"I have a plan" Naomi said dead serious to the two boys.

"Madara doesn't know the abilities of my Eternal Kurai Mangekyō, you three are going to bombard him with your most powerful jutsu while I hang back making it look like I'm weak. Then when I'm ready, I'm going to make him pay for what he did and kill him" she said gritting her teeth. The boys nodded at her despite not knowing what else he had done. He had killed them the first time but now they had received more power and it wouldn't happen a second time.

"Scorch Release: "

"Halo Hurricane"

"Jet Black Arrow Style Zero" Naruto and Sasuke combined techniques. Just when the jutsu hit, Shisui had Body Flickered behind Madara and sent a punch to the back of his armour pushing him towards the oncoming jutsu. The jutsu hit but only making minimal damage to Madara's Susanoo.

"Shisui, do that thing now" Sasuke said to which Shisui nodded and Flickered back from Madara.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" he called and shot up at Madara. Madara dodged it with ease and a smirk.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that, Shisui Uchiha" Madara taunted. Shisui gritted his teeth. He had been dead for a while and his skill level hadn't quite caught up to him. Naruto started firing Tailed Beast Bombs at Madara which were followed closely behind by Indra's Arrows by Sasuke.

"Sasuke, trap him" Naomi called quietly. Sasuke nodded and prepared his right eye. He moved quickly to catch up to where Madara had landed from the impact.

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