Chapter 22 - Just in Time

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Sasuke' POV

I had decided to take Karin with me and only Karin just in case someone needed medical help. Although she was quite annoying, she would be the most useful.

We arrived at a small cavern that was close to the hide out that I was hoping Kabuto was in. There were a few days until the summit so I had little time to get her and take her there. I also had something to announce at the summit.

"Ugh Sasukeeeeee, why are we even helping the little bitch that beat you up? She isn't that important" Karin winged and I'd had just about enough of it.

"Actually Karin, she is, the whole balance of the shinobi world could rest in her hands, so she is important. And also, you don't like her just because she gets more attention than you, and that's how it'll always be. If you don't want to help, don't. I can easily find a new medical kunoichi to replace you" I told her. Of course she'd stay if I threatened her replacement. And she did.

"Tch" She said and went to gather her things and ready everything for when I come back.

"I'm leaving now so be ready for when I come back" I said and left.

Naomi's POV

Once again, I woke up on the cold metal table. Although this time I was once again restricted, with the chakra blocks and all that crap again. I must've been out for another 3 days or so. That poison he uses really does the number on me.

I remember that day that I returned to Sasuke, he was alright for a while. But things just got worse anyway.

I just laid there for a little while longer until Kabuto entered the room again with a tray.

"How're you feeling Princess?" He asked with a sly smirk.

"It's Lady thank you very much, not Princess. And I feel like shit, how are you?" I asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh I'm great, and I'm going to be unstoppable after this next experiment" he laughed.

"You do realise that anything you've attempted on me won't work, I have a special chakra that fights against that type of stuff" I countered.

Ahem, not your chakra smart ass.

Yeah yeah, I know.

"Oh, I know that, I also know for a fact that one will work, it just needs a bit of time. I just like seeing you in pain" he grinned like a mad man. I snorted at his reply.

"Whatever" I muttered as he injected something into my arm. I flinched at the little prickle until I couldn't feel anything at all.

"I can't feel anything" I growled.

"No need to state the obvious, wouldn't want you moving. Now, for my ultimate experiment" he grabber a scalpel and walked over to one of the torches in the room. He held the scalpel over the torch for a minute or two leaving it and orange colour.

"W-what're you doing?" I asked slightly afraid suddenly as he walked back over to me.

"Oh, I just felt making this I little more painful while you're still awake. I'm also doing this the painful way, there is a much easier way" he continued to get closer. I struggled in my restraints but nothing occurred.

"Now, where will this work the best" he looked over my body, his eyes finally landing on a spot. He grabbed my hand and pulled it tightly leaving my wrist exposed. The scalding hot scalpel edged closer and closer until it finally made contact with my skin, slicing in one swift motion.

"AAGGHHH" I screamed as it cut deep into my wrist burning the flesh on the inside.

Another slice.



Four, up my forearm. He returned back down to my wrist. I was barely able to scream or make a noise from the pain. Another deep cut was next sent across the first one.

"STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled with all the strength I had.

"Oh Princess, I'm enjoying this far to much to stop" he said as she shoved a syringe that was missing the sharp tip into the deep gash on my wrist. He sucked up only a fraction of the blood that was pouring out. I couldn't hold it in anymore as tears poured from my eyes. I hadn't cried since Itachi's death. Kabuto then transferred my blood into a small canister and walked around to the other side of me. All I could do was watch as he continued to do the exact same thing he'd done on my other wrist again. He added the blood he'd taken again to the previous sample and mixed it around.

"What-t're you g-going to d-do with that?" I asked at a barely audible volume.

"This, this blood is going to be my ultimate experiment. I'm going to inject myself with your blood!" He yelled. My puffy eyes widened. He can't do that, it won't work. My blood won't be compatible with his. He'll most likely die.

"Y-you can't. It w-won't w-w-wor-" I began but could barely speak. At the rate I was loosing blood I might not survive. He cut me off thought,

"-shut up!" He yelled and brought the scalpel to my neck. He drew a thin line down my neck, fortunately not very deep but still deep enough to draw blood.

His head suddenly snapped up as if he sensed someone.

"Shit" he cursed. Maybe Shisui has come to save me. He grabbed the syringe and stabbed himself forcefully in the arm. My blood flowing into him.

"T-this feels...amazing! The pure power- AHHHH!" He began but it was short lived. Just as I had suspected, he fell to the ground and passed out and I was left bleeding out on the table, still unable to move.

Just as I was on the verge of passing out the door slammed open. I couldn't lift my head to see who it was so I muttered one last word.



A/N: I feel like I'm not really getting as much feedback as I usually do and that the book isn't that popular. And I really appreciate your feedback, it helps me better the chapters. Just tell me if I'm doing something wrong. So please comment your thoughts!!!

P.S. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Or Loner Day as me and my friends called it 😂😂❤

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