Chapter 4 - That belongs to me

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Naomi's POV

At the moment me and Suigetsu were sitting Tobi's office awaiting our mission.

"Ok, so I do have a mission but it's not that important. I need you to go and spy on Sasuke. He's gone off to kill the elders one by one-" he began but was cut off my me.


"As I was saying, I suspect he's gone after Danzo and is fighting him at this very moment since he left this morning" Tobi finished. I can't believe him. And Danzo was the one I wanted to kill most.

"Let's go Suigetsu" I said not giving him a choice and walked out. I went to my room to pack a small bag. I put in some food, water, weapons, medical kit and a small jar. I heard a knock at my door and it opened to reveal Suigetsu.

"I'm ready" he said giving me a toothy grin that reminded me of Kisame.

"Go wait at the entrance then" I said emotionlessly and he obeyed and walked out. I wrapped some bandages around my right thigh and put my pouch that holds my kunai and shuriken on it. I wrapped my scratched Konoha headband around my waist and put my katana in it's holder. I put on my elbow length black gloves that I got as a gift when I was born according to Sasuke. I got another knock at my door but this time they waited until I said "Come in".

"Where are you going?" Kisame asked from the doorway.

"On a mission" I stated bluntly.

"What's the mission?" He further questioned.

"I'm going to retrieve something that rightfully belongs to a close friend" I informed him yet I hadn't looked up from what I was doing.

"You.....have friends?" Kisame asked jokingly with a smirk. I looked up glaring at him.

"Yes" I answered bluntly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some businesses to attend to" I said and walked past him.

"Stay safe" I swear I heard him mutter.

~Time skip~

We were almost to our destination. I could feel drained chakra signatures, one was Sasuke's, one was Danzo's and a few others. Two of the others was Karin and Sakura.

We arrived at the scene and I just sat at the top of a big stone structure and watch what was before me unfold.

Sasuke was standing between Sakura and Karin and they were talking. Karin was injured on the ground and Sakura had a kunai out. I activated my Kurai Sharingan and listened closely.

"I'll return with you......if you kill her" Sasuke said to Sakura referring to Karin.

Before anyone else said anything, Danzo emerged from crumpled rocks. He began a Justu that I didn't recognise but it looked like some sort of sealing Jutsu. Sasuke was obviously not able to stop him so he began to retreat. As did Tobi who was watching the whole fight.

"Umm...Naomi I think we should go" Suigetsu said worried but I jumped down in front of Danzo and his eyes widened. I activate Kamui and transported the Justu somewhere else.

"Your going to know how it feels now" I said darkly and pulled out the Sharingan in his right eye.

"This belongs to me" I said and put it in the little jar as he dropped to the ground like a fly. He looked into my Eternal Kurai and something new happened. I was in his memories.

It was the Third Great Shinobi War. Him and a team we running away from some rogues. A whole bunch of shuriken and kunai were thrown. One of the teammates were killed. The scene changed and him and two others were fighting more rogues. You know you can mess with his memories. Madara informed me. Thanks.

I made the rogues kill his other two teammates then kill him. I came out from his memories and he was unconscious.

"Go to hell bastard" I growled and stabbed him in the heart with a kunai. I then turned to Sakura and glared.

"If you won't kill her, then I will" I said and activated chidori.

"Stop it Naomi, this isn't like you, what happened to the sweet little girl I knew?" Sakura pleaded.

"I know you never liked me, and I didn't like you either. So don't pretend to care. You just don't want to see her get killed. And you only want my brother, it's all you ever wanted" I spat. I urged closer to Karin. I was about to plunge the chidori into her heart but it was deflected by another.

"F*****g hell" I muttered as she was scoped up and carried to safety. Kakashi and Naruto jumped in front of Sakura.

"Great-" I muttered as Suigetsu and Sasuke jumped down next to me. "-well I tried" I said looking at Suigetsu. He smiled as if he were scared.

"Who are you?" Naruto growled at me. I burst out laughing right on the spot.

"That's sad, you don't remember me.........Naru-kun" I said teasingly and his eyes widened also.

"N-Naomi Uchiha............we thought you would have died out in the wild" he said and I glared at him.

"Of course you thought I died by myself, cause I'm just weak little Naomi aren't I! Can't care for herself and can't even fend for herself!" I yelled at him. "Everyone thinks I'm just worthless and can't do anything for myself! I didn't get included in anything because no one thought I could handle it!" I continued to rage as purple chakra started to seep from my skin again.

The last thing I saw was Tobi jump in front of me.

"Dickhead" I whispered as he knocked me out.


A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update. I was totally stumped about what to write. But enjoy

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