Chapter 11 - Akari Uchiha and Amaterasu Uchiha

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"On the night of the massacre, there was another that I couldn't bring myself to kill, she also looks after our child. Their names are Akari Uchiha and Amaterasu Uchiha" Itachi stated with a small smile.

Both mine and Shisui's mouths were hanging open at what my older brother had just said. I was beyond shocked that Itachi was a father. How old was his child? And Akari Uchiha, I've only heard of her, apparently she's know as 'Akari of the Chakra Fist' because of the amount of chakra she's able to put into her fists, and it's bright green, not the medical ninjutsu green though.

I walked up to Itachi and slapped him across the face before embracing him in a tight.

"What...was that...for?" He asked struggling to breathe. I let go of him and looked him dead in the eyes.

"For almost leaving you child alone in the world without a father, I'm guessing you don't see them much so she wouldn't knew much about you, is she a ninja? How old is she? Does she have the Sharingan? Does she have the chakra fists like her mother?" I questioned. He watched me as I walked back around to my seat.

"Amaterasu is 5 years old, and yes she has the Sharingan, also the Mangekyō Sharingan if my calculations were right and she thinks I'm dead-" he began but was interrupted by me who now had a kunai against his neck.

"What?!" I asked trying to keep my newfound anger in.

"Naomi, please calm down. I do see where your coming from and would like to punch Itachi in the face-"

"Thanks Shisui" Itachi interrupted.

"-but he is alive and his family can know that. But if you don't calm down, his daughter isn't going to have a father again" Shisui finished walking behind me and carefully taking the kunai from my hand. I hn'd and glared at Itachi. I was walking back to my chair with my back turned to them when I heard a 'crack'. I turned to see Shisui punch Itachi again so I body flickered in front of him and caught the next fist.

"Hypocrite" I muttered while my hand bled. His hand were coated in chakra so he must have broken Itachi's cheek bone. He felt the warm liquid on his fist as the blood dropped onto the ground. His eyes widened when he saw it and disappeared into thin air. I turned back to Itachi with a glare as he held his face. I continued glaring as I moved his hand away and put mine over his cheek, healing it.

"Why would you just leave your lover and own daughter alone to fend for themselves. That girl needs her father, she needs you. So does Akari, I never actually remember meeting her but she's a strong girl, and she's smart. I read a lot about her in all the spare time I had when I was young. I know what its like to have no father or mother and I have no idea what its like to have parents who love you. You have that opportunity. You need to be there for your family. Now tell me a  bit about the two" I lectured.

"Well Akari is a very calm person, but like you, if she gets angry its a bad thing. Then there's Amaterasu, considering both of her parents.........she's nothing like either of us. She's absolutely crazy and unlike most Uchiha, has massive anger issues and is the most impatient person I've ever met, even though she's 5, she's quite advanced, like you" he said with a small smile.

"She sounds like Sasuke" I laughed and pulled my hand away.

"Akari is only half Uchiha you know, that's where her chakra fists come from, and if Amaterasu got them too, then were bringing a whole other bloodline trait into the clan" he explained and I nodded. Kiyara had already disappeared a while ago so it was just me and Itachi.

"I'm gonna go find Shisui" I said and left the room.

I finally found him sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking the valley bellow. I could tell he knew I was there but he kept staring as I sat down next to him.

"What's up?" I finally asked breaking the silence. He looked up and turned to me saying,

"The sky" emotionlessly.

"You know what I meant, you big goof" I said nuging him. He sighed and turned to face me fully.

"I just feel that Itachi made the wrong decision leaving his family to think he was dead, if I was ever a father I would protect my children with everything I had! I would die for them 10 times over, them and the one I love. And it got me thinking......I do love someone and I would do anything for them. And it kills me inside when I hurt them. That's why when I hurt you, I couldn't stand to see you in pain" He said and I listened carefully to what he was saying.

"Shisui, it didn't hurt, I'm fine, see" I said showing him my now healed hand.

"But still, it got me thinking...........Naomi Uchiha.............I love you" he said and planted a soft kiss on my lips. When he pulled away, I stared until I stood up and started to walk away.

"Wait Naomi, I'm sorry.....where are you going?" He asked frantically.

"Somewhere" I said lowly but I knew he heard me as I started running.

I came to a clearing with a lake in the middle and went and sat in the middle in a meditating position. My head was so confused at the moment and I didn't know what to think.

Shisui loved me......

Did I love him back? I have no idea....

I decided that now wasn't the best time to think about it and focus on what I was going to do. This was going to be difficult to find them but it cant be that hard. I focused on finding chakra similar to mine and Itachi's. After about 10 minutes of searching and concentrating, I found it. I'd been looking in all the far distances and didn't bother looking in the surrounding forest. I was about to give up until it showed up in a town near by.

I sure hope I found the right chakra.

I put on my mask and put my hood over my head and started heading in that direction. It was starting to get dark too.

As I was heading towards the chakra I felt, when I felt a smaller one in the forest. I turned and headed towards it. I hid in a bush and found a young girl ferociously training. Shuriken after Shuriken, punch after punch. She was definitely Itachi's daughter with the accuracy she has. Although she wasn't very good at sensing chakra as I was able to sneak up behind her without hiding my chakra. I placed my hand over her mouth and a Kunai at her throat.

"Don't struggle or this kunai slits your throat, Amaterasu Uchiha, am I right?" I asked emotionlessly. She tried to talk so I  moved my hand away.

"Who are you?!" She asked getting riled up.

"I'm someone you'll be around a lot, now answer my question" I said still emotionlessly.

"Like I'll tell you bitch" She spat activating her sharingan trying to trap me in a genjutsu.

"Girl......your testing my patience-" I warned.

"-But my question has been answered, you're not going to be catching me in a genjutsu silly little girl, lets wait till your dear mummy gets home" I said smirking and tying her up putting a cloth in her mouth to keep her quiet.


A/N: Another chapter done!!!! I wrote this all in a day and I'm really happy, hope you liked it!!

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