Chapter 8 - I found you

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Third POV

I've been traveling through the forest for a while now, probably nearing 3 days. The few wounds that I got while fighting Tobi have healed but my chakra wasn't fully replenished yet. I was nearing a village on the boarder of the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire.

This little village was kind of known for their fight nights where they pit people against each other and the spectators bet on the fighters. The winner of the match gets a small amount of money and the more they win in a row the higher the amount of cash they get. Normally you'll get your regular bandits, robbers and gang members. Occasionally you'll get some rouge ninjas, or you get the odd bounty hunter.

I figured I'd look here first for the person I'm searching for. The sun was almost down as people started walking to an arena. I followed the mob of people keeping the hood of my black cloak down to cover my face. It was a small amount of money to enter the arena so I paid keeping my head down as I went and sat in a seat in the front row. People crowded in holding bottles of sake and the smell of alcohol already reeked through the area. Two drunk men were on either side of me and about five behind me. I had to hold in my vomit because of the smell.

A guy in a black suit now stood in the middle of the arena with the spotlight on him as every on shut up.

"Welcome everyone, to fight night" he said and everyone cheered loudly. I scoffed at how cocky this guy sounded. Just the tone of his voice makes him sound like he thinks he owns everything.

"Today we have once again our champion, The Body Flicker, against anything who dares to challenge him" the man said and I immediately knew that's who I was looking for. Everyone stayed quiet until a really wasted guy that could barely walk stood up and the spot light went to him.

"I-I'm gonna......muck his...f-face up" the guy stuttered drunkly as everyone else cheered. He stumbled down some steps into the arena as a few people walked around so everyone could place their bets. A guy walked up to me.

"How much would you like to bet miss?" He asked.

"I'm not betting, but I would like to be the next challenger" I said emotionlessly.

"A-are you su-" I cut him off.

"Shut it, of course I'm sure" I said blankly to him. He walked away to the next people as the money on the board went up as people betted.

"The winner of this match will receive.........$100" the man yelled and everyone cheered. The drunk challenger was walking around the stadium trying to make the crowd louder.

"Can everyone please welcomeeeeeee............The Body Flicker" the announcer yelled as he walked up the steps and a guy somewhat older then me walked out wearing a mask like an Anbu mask.

He stood dead in the middle without saying a word.

"Let the match begin!" The man yelled and the drunk guy ran at The Body Flicker. Just as he got to him, The Body Flicker disappeared and re-appeared behind the guy. He pulled out a kunai and put it to the drunk guys neck.

"Too slow" he whispered and killed him. This guy has to have a reason to be here. If he is who I think he is, he won't kill me. The other mans body got dragged away as the announcer walked back down the stairs.

"Ok, so it seems we have another challenger, a female challenger at that. Would you please show yourself challenger?" He yelled to no one in particular as the lights dimmed and the spot light searched around. I quickly and swiftly jumped down into the stadium and the spot light shun on me as I kept my hood down.

"Would you mind revealing yourself before we begin?" The announcer asked. I pulled my hood off slowly and felt 'The Body Flickers' chakra spike in fear, surprise and an unknown emotion. I smirked at this and took my cloak off to reveal my new ninja uniform. It consisted of a black underlay that goes up and around my neck, a white and red long sleeve kimono top, black, tight shorts, my black fingerless gloves, bandages around my right thigh with my kunai holder on top, plain black ninja sandals and a red belt kind of thing that holds scrolls and my shuriken at the back with the Uchiha crest on the top. My hair was in its usual high ponytail with my bangs hanging down.

"If your totally sure about doing this.......then begin!" He yelled as he ran up the stairs. My sharingan began to spin wildly and I pulled him into my Tsukuyomi.

In Tsukuyomi

"You know.....your Tsukuyomi is quite different to your brothers. His is a world of inverted colours and pain, but yours traps a person in a continuous loop of horror and fear, and if chosen to, ultimately ending in death. I'm impressed with how much you've grown since you were a tiny baby and I'm sorry that I had to leave you at such an inconvenient and horrible time. But I'm back now and I promise to never leave your side again" he said taking off his mask to reveal one eye covered by bandages and a beautiful onyx colour in the other one. He got down on his knees as he said the last part and bowed at my feet surprising me.

"Please don't bow to me, I really don't know why you would, I certainly don't deserve it from you" I said to him and he stood up.

"Well you are the daughter of the head and ultimately the Uchiha Princess. Plus I owe you" he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"You know, my brother told me you were rather dopey, so I'm impressed at how smart you sound when you talk. You sound like him" I said smirking and he gave me a big goofy grin.

"Its been a while Naomi"







A/N: So here's a really late chapter. Again I'm sorry, I had writers block, I hope it's long enough for you. Please comment and vote.

Also I've decided that I'm not going to update this book again until I get someone other then my friends from school commenting and voting on my new book. People read it but they're the only ones who vote and comment, so thank you to them. So if u want an update to this book, you've got to read my new book called 'Just Us Left'.

Sorry if that seems harsh but I'd really like more people to comment and vote. I'll also shout out the people who do it.

Book 2: What has this World come to?Where stories live. Discover now