Chapter 21 - Testing

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My surroundings started to focus into view as my senses returned to me. This time I was laying down on a cold, hard surface instead of being chained up. I must've been out for a few days, maybe 4 but I seemed to have some access to chakra now and I wasn't restrained. I attempted to sit up but immediately fell back down as pain spread through my body, it was as if every inch of me was on fire. I flinched sitting up slowly and looked around. The room was dark and the only light was coming from under a door. I looked around for something to use as a weapon but couldn't find anything. At the moment I could only activate my regular sharingan but that'd have to do. The door was unlocked so I quietly exited and walked around. I had no idea where Akari was and I didn't even know if she was alive or not. It would be truely devastating if she didn't survive. I could've used this as a chance to escape but I would not leave my family behind.

I decided to walk around a little more until I ran into someone.

"And where do you think your going?" The voice asked and I looked up to see Kabuto.

"Umm, bathroom...?" I kind of asked.

"Your a horrible liar sometimes, lets go" he said and I had no other choice but to follow.

We walked through endless dimly lit halls until we finally reached a large arena/training room looking place. He walked up to a little room leaving me in the centre. I looked up and immediately glared seeing that he held Akari captive up there. She was alive but she didn't look it. She looks beyond tired and in so much pain. What had that bastard done to her?!

Calm down. Now is not really the time to loose your temper Naomi. He's planning something.

I listened to Kiyara's words and tried calming myself. We get along pretty well now. And we'd began learning how to fight together too. But obviously we didn't get far because of this incident.

"Alright, lets see what you can do" he said and flipped a switch. All the gates around me opened revealing mutated creatures of sorts and what seemed like Orochimaru's experiments. I was still so sore from being poked and prodded with multiple needles that wouldn't have an effect on me, but if I told Kabuto that then he'd find and alternate way to torture me. I didn't recognise any of these people, or who they used to be. They all ran at me at once and I was surrounded. A large fire justu will do the trick. I made the hand signs quick,

"Fire style: Inferno gale" I said and an out of control gale of fire swept the whole room. Some got seriously burnt, most were knocked back but there were some who were able to avoid it. I awaited my next attacker who chose Taijutsu. I used to be great at Taijutsu, but I'll admit it's not really my forte anymore. My preference would always be Genjutsu or Kenjutsu. Unfortunately at the moment I didn't have enough chakra for a Genjutsu big enough nor did I have my Katana. Or any blade for that matter. I knew my fair share of Kinjutsu as well, being Akatsuki and all. But they were too dangerous to do here and I also didn't have enough chakra.

The guy I was having a Taijutsu battle with was a water user, I could tell from the water tentacles coming out of his sleeves trying to grab me as he fought. That would work to my advantage as I focused my lightning release chakra around my whole body as I let him grab me. The electricity spread throughout him leaving him paralysed on the flood. The next guy was easy as he was a big male and he didn't think before attacking. He came in with a raised fist with full force and so I merely stepped to the side and hit the pressure point in his neck.

"Why am I doing this Kabuto?!" I questioned loudly directing a glare at him. He smirked but ignored my question. By now most of the opponents were down, but there was still another chakra signature some where besides the ones I knew of. It was big, but didn't seem to be all that powerful. I couldn't activate anything further than my plain sharingan so there was no way I could really prepare for what could come out. I readied myself facing the way that the person was coming. When they finally came out of the largest gate that nothing had previously emerged from, I physically had to look at the creature standing before me. This had to be one of Orochimaru's favourites if it had gotten to this point. It looked up at Kabuto then charged towards me. I couldn't possible take it down in this state, I was far to low on chakra. I'd have to just endure and wait for it to run out of energy. Unfortunately that didn't work out for me. The last think I heard was a loud clap and a strange noise ringing in my ear before I once again was knocked out.


A mere three year old girl stood in the Hokage's office with excitement bubbling off her. Today was the day she finally got to meet one or her big brothers. The Hokage entered the room and sat behind his desk as the young girl rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Now Naomi, as you know, you are meeting one of you elder brothers. His name is Sasuke-" he began but was cut off by the small raven head.

"-and the other one is Itachi" she smiled with pride. She knew nothing about her brothers. Only the basics.

"Yes, and Itachi. Now there's something you need to understand about Itachi. He may be a missing nin and an S-Rank criminal. But I don't want you to hate him, no matter what Sasuke tries to tell you. Alright? I want you to grow up knowing your brother is a hero, but no body knows that, so can you keep a secret?" He asked. They girl looks at him quizzically but nonetheless nodded.

"In a year or two I will allow you to know why he's a hidden hero" the Hokage smiled. Naomi was young so she only took a few words out his little speech. They words being,






"Alright, lets go meet your brother!" He said enthusiastically.

"YAY!" She yelled and ran out of the room not waiting for the Hokage, but also having no idea where she  was going. The Hokage took his time and soon enough she came running back and walked impatiently with him.

About 5 minutes later they arrived at an apartment building. She suddenly became extremely nervous to meet him. What if he didn't like her? What if he didn't accept her as his sister.

"Are you ready?" The Hokage asked. She nodded timidly and he knocked on the door. A 10 or so year old boy opened the door and stared at them.

"Sasuke Uchiha, it's time for your sister the move back in with you"


A/N: Not much to say, hope you like it!!! Comment and Vote plz, what do you think?? Also remember to vote on the next book,

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