Chapter 20 - Invitation

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"It's you...YOU BASTARD...!"

"Oh calm down Princess, I know it's been a while, but the last time I saw you, I knew I just had to have you, and besides, I need my revenge from when you scorched my arm" he said as he circled around me.

"What do you want with me, why did you take Akari as well?!" I yelled.

"You, everyone wants you. But the other girl, bait. It's quite obvious that your big brother will come after her, and Lord Orochimaru never tried to go after him, only Sasuke. Sasuke was always his favourite and look how that turned out. But don't worry Princess, you'll be my favourite" he carried on.

"Your a f*****g idiot Kabuto, Itachi isn't as dumb as you think, and he sure as hell is stronger than you, along with Shisui and Sasuke. Cause Sasuke won't stay quiet when he hears about this. Neither will Shisui" I growled.

"Ah yes, I almost forgot that there's a little group of you now. Maybe I'll just have to kill you all. I'm not like Lord Orochimaru, I don't just want your eyes. I want all of you, I'm going to kill you all and use you in my reanimation Justu" he explained with a sadistic smile.

"You're sick Kabuto, look what you've become" I said with disgust as I glared at him. He looked like a snake, more so than Orochimaru. I'd assume he absorbed what he could.

"What I've become is on the verge of invincible!" He yelled and I glared as he got closer to me.

"Now, to ensure you don't escape, these are something new I've come up with. They're little unbreakable bracelets that inject what I like to call pure pain into you. So you play up one little time and this is what you'll get" he said and made a hand sign.

"AGGHHHHHH!" I screamed at the pain these little things were causing me. The pain wouldn't stop and the last thing I saw was Kabuto walking out of the room before I passed out.


Naruto's POV

Sakura and I were walking around the village when Kakashi approached us.

"We've been summoned by Lady Tsunade" he said with a sheepish smile.

"She's only been awake for about a week and she's already back at work, geez granny never stops" I muttered and we followed him to her office.

"Come in" she said after Sakura knocked on the door. The village was almost rebuilt again now.

"What is it you wanted us for?" I asked.

"Well it seems that there is to be a five Kage Summit held a week from now" Tsunade said and I stared at her shocked along with Kakashi-Sensai and Sakura. Why're the holding a Kage summit when some countries don't get along.

"It will be to address the issue of Akatsuki, and it's being held in the Land of Iron since Iron is a mutual country" Tsunade continued.

"Do you think there will be some controversy?" Sakura asked.

"I'm not sure, but there has been another summoned, Naomi Uchiha. I'm not sure what part she'll play but she does hold the ten tails after all, I have been asked to send the message to her since no one is aware of her whereabouts, I just thought I'd inform you three" she finished and we nodded.

"Aright you're all dismissed, I'll send word if there's any other news" we nodded and disappeared.

Sasuke' POV

I was currently at the Akatsuki hide out in the training grounds. I couldn't risk visiting my brother again or Madara would begin to get suspicious. They still didn't know exactly who took her but I had an idea. Since I couldn't tell them face to face I would just have to go after her on my own. I stopped the large fireball I'd blew at a target when I sensed a presence in the room.

"What is it?" I addressed Madara with a cold voice.

"I have word that there's going to be a Five Kage Summit in a week, and your baby sister is to be in attendance so I felt that I should pay a visit" he expressed and I grit my teeth. It was bad news him being around my sister and I knew exactly what he had planned from her.

"I came here to ask if you and your team would like to accompany me?" He asked and I scoffed.

"We have no interest in going to the summit, your only going to declare war on them so there is no point" I grunted and went back to my training.

"Suit yourself" he said and disappeared. An opening had just opened up for me. As soon as Madara leaves for the summit I'll go after Naomi, and at the moment I'm sure she isn't aware that she'd been invited, as well as Madara isn't aware that shes missing. I'd have to be quick though and hope that my assumption is correct; because if it isn't, people will get suspicious and Madara will be looking for whoever taken her to most probably trade for her.

I forcefully threw chakra infused shuriken at the target effectively breaking them. I needed to find her soon.

Third POV

In the area surrounding the Uchiha's hide out, Itachi and Shisui checked everywhere they possibly could but there was no trace of Naomi.

Shisui was checking around the spot she'd been taken but had no luck. He fell to his knees exhausted but would not stop until he'd found her, it was his duty to protect her and he'd failed so miserably. He didn't think it'd take this long to find her and he hoped that she didn't think they'd given up.

Itachi was searching along the bored but found no trace of the girls either. What he did notice though was the Konoha messenger hawk circling around the area. He stuck out his arm for it to land and found that it held an official scroll addressed to his sister. He summoned a crow to notify Shisui to meet him back at the base.

When they all returned, Itachi placed the scroll on the meeting table.

"This was sent from Konoha addressed to Naomi and I'd say we should open it as it is an official scroll" Itachi said and opened it.

Addressed to:
Princess Naomi Uchiha

Five Kage Summit

Princess Uchiha,

You have been summoned to the meeting of the five Kage. It is to be held and mediated by the Land of Iron a week from now. It would be appreciated if you would attend to discuss the Akatsuki.

The Fourth Raikage

Relayed by:

The Fifth Hokage

Itachi cast a glance at the other two.

"This isn't good"


A/N: Once again, sorry for the late update, and Idk if this is really much. It's getting hard to write these chapters because this is what I'm up to in the anime and I'm waiting on the next English Dubbed episodes. Like I know briefly what happens from reading other fanfics but I wanna watch to make sure.

I hope your enjoying it, feel free to give feedback or tell me any ideas or something you'd like more of.

I don't think anyone guess that it was Kabuto 😅 so that's good.

And it seems that some people have been voting for a new book, if you wanna vote, which id appreciate, go check out the books in the previous update and comment there or here if you'd like. So far there's:

Inazuma Eleven: 2 votes

The Third Uchiha book: 2 votes

The Third book of this series: 2 votes

Ashton Irwin: 1 vote

So there are other options as well 👍🏼👍🏼

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