Chapter 27 - 2 Down

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"How bad is it?" I asked. Tsunade hesitated for a second.

"It's much worse than I thought it would be. He's sustained serious mental anguish, whatever was done to him is still happening" she explained.

"So you're saying that he isn't just in a coma after the jutsu was performed on him?" I asked.

"No, whatever the jutsu was, it wasn't just some Tsukuyomi. It's a much larger genjutsu that I've never seen before. If anything, you Uchiha's would have more of a chance at helping him by figuring out what it is and reversing it. I'm sorry but all I can do is what I did for Sasuke and he isn't guaranteed to wake up"

"Anything that will help please" Akari said as I didn't know what to say. I honestly don't think I could handle loosing him again. I mean I finally had a family again and its going to fall apart again. Akari saw the look on my face and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade, anything that would help, I'll go and write that list" I said and nodded. I walked into the meeting room and pulled out a pen and a blank scroll and wrote down on it everything I promised. It read:

Itachi Uchiha - Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

Shisui Uchiha - Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

Sasuke Uchiha - Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

Naomi Uchiha - Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, Eternal Kurai Mangekyo Sharingan

Akari Uchiha - Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan

Amaterasu Uchiha - Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan

I rolled up the scroll and sealed it. They moved Shisui into his room where one of us could check on him every so often. Akari removed the wet towel that was placed on his forehead so Tsunade could attempt to help him. She placed her hand over his forehead and it glowed green. She winced after a while and suddenly took her hand away. Her had had smoke coming off it and was severely burnt.

"What happened? Are you ok Lady Tsunade?" Akari asked. Tsunade nodded.

"Yes I'll be fine, I don't know what it was but it's given me a third degree burn on my hand, I'll heal though" she said and wrapped bandages around her hand.

"I must leave now and go back to the village otherwise the elders will get suspicious of where I've gone, I suggest you find who did this" she explained and I handed her the scroll. I was extremely fortunate that the Uchiha could trade intel for medical assistance as we didn't have any medics in our artillery. She left and shortly after I left the room without a word.

I made me way into the meeting room to grab yet another scroll to write on. I wrote my message and sealed it up, summoned a crow and told it where to go. I walked outside where it was raining and set the crow free. It flew away in search of its destination and I walked back inside to carry out more battle plans.

Third POV
A list sat in the hands of the black hooded figure. It held justu, rouges, missing nin, S-class criminals, and a few specific names.

The first stop on the list was one of Orochimaru's many many hide outs, hopefully this one wasn't destroyed. Soon enough the war would be starting and there's nothing no one could do about it. Names on this list included:

Renga (A man who plotted to kill off his own brothers and was never seen again after a confrontation with Naruto)

Misumi Tsurugi (Member of Team Kabuto before defecting with him)

Yoroi Akadō (Another member of Team Kabuto who fought and tried to kill Sasuke)

Kabuto Yakushi (Affiliate of Orochimaru)

Orochimaru X (Enemy of the Leaf)

Demon Brothers (Attacked Sasuke long ago)

Mizuki (Missing nin never found by the leaf)

But, there was one name on the very last page of this list:

Obito Uchiha

The hooded figure set out to the hide out before deciding to hunt down the missing-nin. No one really would know why the mysterious person had a list in the first place, maybe it was for their own sadistic pleasure, or maybe they had an agenda.

As they snooped through Orochimaru's hide out, footsteps could be heard. The footsteps got closer and closer as the unknown character masked their chakra and hid behind one o the shelves of scrolls.

"Heh, look at all this, you'd think Kabuto maybe would've cleaned out Lord Orochimaru's hide outs when he died" one man said.

"Aye, anyone could come down here and take S-ranked jutsu scrolls" the other added.

"That's true, lets grab as many as we can and get out of here. I know the hideout is abandoned but who knows who else is in here" the first said again as they began to look through scrolls. The hooded figure stayed quiet masked by the shadows. They weaved a few hand signs and a shadow shot along the ground and trapped one of the men. He froze and was turned around to face his attacker. He was about to say something to his teammate but what he saw frightened him far too much. The attacker put their finger to their mouth and backed into the darkness again. Soon enough the other teammate came looking for his comrade but was met by an attack.

"Misumi what're you doing you idiot?" He said as he dodged Misuimi's attacks.

"It's not me, I'm being controlled but some sort of jutsu. There's someone else in here but be careful they-" he started to warn but was cut short.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't you understand what the gesture of be quiet means?" Their attacker spoke.

"Wait a second, y-you're-"

"That's right boys, and it's quite fitting for me that I ran into you both here, you're both on my list" the person said and lunged at them both with a Katana at the speed of light.

"What list are we on?" The other man asked.

"Yoroi, Misumi, you're on my list of people to slaughter" they said and one of the men watched in horror as his teammate was decapitated.

"You're next Misumi" they said and Misumi took off in a sprint. He didn't get far as he was cut down from behind with a barrage of shuriken and kunai. The figure still covered mostly by a hood walked up to the man and turned him around. The last thing he saw was his killers whole face before his heart was pierced. That was two big 'X's next to two names so far and the unknown person went back to the scrolls.


A/N: So sorry for the wait, my wattpad was down for a little bit but here's an update, hope it was enjoyable although it's kind of a filler. I have questions tho:

Do you want more third POV's for this unknown character or more of someone else?


Who do you like better, Shisui/Naomi or possibly Suigetsu/Naomi?

Please leave comments with you're answers and thoughts if you have any other requests, thank you!!

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