Chapter 25 - Return

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Third POV

The four Uchiha returned slowly back to their temporary base after finally rescuing Akari. They had been out searching when one of them came across a weakened Kabuto who was still holding the unconscious girl captive. Kabuto had willingly surrendered not only Akari but the whereabouts of Naomi with slight taunt and was left unconscious. They returned with Akari on Itachi's back and Shisui was prepared to go straight to Naomi. What they didn't expect though was to find Sasuke and Naomi back at the hide out seemingly unharmed. As soon as Shisui set eyes on Naomi he ran to her. He was quickly blocked by Sasuke and met by a harsh glare coming from Naomi. She brushed straight past Shisui and went to Akari. They embraced each other in a hug as Akari cried. At this point in time, know one would know the physical and mental pain they both went through and no one could understand but them.

Itachi hugged Naomi with satisfaction knowing she was safe again. He knew it was far to early to ask what had happened so he settled for silence. Shisui stared in confusion as Amaterasu and Itachi greeted them.

"I'm going to train" Naomi muttered with no emotion. Amaterasu looked at her as if questioning whether she could train with Naomi, but she shook her head. She walked out the main entrance and headed to the training ground near the cliff.

"Should I go after her?" Shisui questioned. Itachi was to preoccupied with Akari so Sasuke was the only one to listen.

"Leave her be for a little, she needs to clear her head and come to a decision but if I were you I wouldn't go near her when she's frustrated. She doesn't get confused often" Sasuke said crossing his arms and sitting at the table.

"What did I do tho?" He asked with utter confusion.

"I'm not sure mate, lets just say you didn't try hard enough" Sasuke said getting up.

"What the f**k does that mean?" He asked aggressively. Sasuke shrugged as he walked away.


Naomi's POV

I'd been out here for a few hours as I slammed my fist into the same tree for the fifth time. The only feeling that filled me was betrayal. Why though? Why was the question indeed.

"Why didn't he come?" A punch.

"Why doesn't he care enough to save me from the dark?" A kick.

"Why does he think everything is fine and can be perfect?" Another kick.

"Why do I feel so betrayed?" Two punches.

"WHY THE F**K DO I FEEL LIKE THIS?! WHAT IS THIS?!" A fireball that burns the tree to a crisp. I fell to my knees and my hands shook. Is this what comes with being in a relationship every time? Feeling that you're not even worth saving? What if he's using me? I clenched my fists until blood dripped from my palms, normally Kiyara would stop me before anything bad happened but she seemed to not be there. I was being taken over slowly. I shut my eyes tight. Why was I being effected so badly, why did I even care what he thought of me? I've never cared what anyone thought of me from a young age considering there was no one to tell me if I should or shouldn't. I never had anyone to explain relationships to me, isn't that what older siblings were meant to explain? I slammed my fists to the ground.

Of course they are, they're meant to be there when your hurt and explain to you what you're supposed to do, but you never had that, no one cared about you and look what this boy has done. He doesn't even care about you, if he did why isn't he here?

Shut up

You know I'm right though, you love that boy but he doesn't love you back

Do I love him? Of course he'd love me back, he said so himself

Empty words, that term, those 3 words, they're thrown around so lighthearted these days. How are you supposed you know if he means them or not? Oh my what if you're right and he is playing you? We can't have that now can we, the Head of the Uchiha being played by a simple male, now that would definitely prove that a woman isn't fit to lead, tsk tsk tsk

No, he loves me, I'm just disappointed

He doesn't, he never will, why would anyone love someone as unstable as you?


I'm right, just admit it, you are forever alone

"SHUT UP!" I finally screamed and clutched my head hitting it to the ground. Deep purple chakra burst from my body. I screamed with pain. Not physical pain but physiological pain. My Eternal Kurai Mangekyo Sharingan span wildly. No one could look into my eyes otherwise they'd see all my pain. I screamed again.

"Naomi?" A familiar voice called out. I froze and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt his chakra come into the clearing and soon there was someone kneeling on the ground next to me, although to him it'd just look like I was crying.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Go away please" I muttered through grit teeth.

"Why? What have I done to you? I didn't even get a hello when I got back" he said to me.

"Just go away alright" I muttered again.

"No, what the hell is your problem, Akari is absolutely scared after we had to rescue her, but look at you, we get back to go and look for you AGAIN, and your just waiting for us seemingly fine, not a scratch on you, did you even get taken? Or were you just out about doing what you like? You didn't even need our help and we spent time looking for you! Time we could've been preparing for this stupid war, what the hell is actually wrong with you?! You're actually being a spoilt bitch!" He yelled.

"Shut up" I whispered.

"No, you know it's true don't you, you get everything you want" he continued.

"SHUT UP" I snapped.

"See you don't like what I'm telling you" he said.

"You think you know everything, you have no idea what happened in that time, you didn't even look hard enough to save me and now I'm in constant pain" I said still with me eyes shut.

"Oh please, show me what happened then, go on I bet you have some kind of power like that" he didn't stop, I couldn't show him, I didn't want to, it'd hurt too much to relive it and I didn't want to do it to anyone.

"No" I whispered.

"Show me now"


"SHOW ME GOD DAMMIT" he screamed and I couldn't hold it anymore. I snapped my head to him and looked him in the eyes. All the painful events flashed before his eyes, they were wide and tears brimmed them. Tears brimmed mine as I relived it as well. The moment when I was tortured came up and he screamed in agony. The jutsu was almost over so I used the Camouflage Jutsu and hid in the trees. I sat there in a ball feeling as vulnerable as I ever had. All the emotions I had pushed out came back. He was lying on the ground and muttered to himself over and over,

"What have I done"

"What have I done"

Eventually I walked out from the trees after cancelling the Jutsu and stood in front of him. This was my final choice,

"We're done Shisui" I said and disappeared with the Body Flicker.


A/N: I hope this chapter suffices, comment thoughts on what you want to happen, should they fix the relationship or not?

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