Chapter 12 - Uchiha vs Uchiha

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I sat on a tree branch while a fuming girl was tied up to the tree beneath me. I could feel Akari's chakra rushing towards our location. She wouldn't be able to sense my chakra but could probably sense the disturbance in Amaterasu's chakra. I closed my eyes as she approached and stopped in the clearing. She began to rush towards her daughter not noticing me sitting above her. I threw a kunai directly in front of where she was about to step, stopping her in her steps. I jumped down from the tree and grabbed Amaterasu.

"I wouldn't go any further if I was you, unless you'd like your daughter to die...Akari Uchiha?" I asked smirking under my mask as she flinched and I put the kunai to Amaterasu's throat.

"We can do this the hard way or the-" I began but was cut off when Amaterasu used Kamui and appeared next to her mother, both of their Mangekyō Sharingan flaring. Itachi was right, she is advanced.

"I see you both posses the Mangekyō Sharingan, lucky me" I said sarcastically.

"No one is meant to know about us, so it seems you won't be leaving this fight alive" Akari said glaring at me. I laughed at that and smirked.

"I highly doubt that" I said and removed my mask. I'd discovered how to deactivate all my Sharingans a while ago and now I have my plain onyx eyes back. I can switch between them all and the Rinnegan, but I don't know how to use the Rinnegan yet. I activated my Eternal Kurai Mangekyō Sharingan anyway just to scare them.

"H-how is that possible? There should only be one other Uchiha left and he's a guy?" Akari stuttered shocked. I smirked.

"This isn't just your ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan...this is the Eternal Kurai Mangekyō Sharingan" I said and she looked me in the eyes as hers widened.

"That's impossible...." She breathed.

"Oh but it is possible, because I developed it myself, and I might as well be the only one to be able to posses it as I have a different chakra to the rest" I explained letting the purple chakra swirl around me for a frightening effect.

"But I won't be needing it for this battle, you may be strong but I can already sense that my chakra is significantly larger then both of yours combined" I smirked and deactivated my Sharingan and let the chakra seep back into me.

"We won't go down without a fight, I live to carry on my fathers legacy and take revenge on the village that caused him so much pain" Amaterasu said, she is extremely advanced, but it's to be expected with the things that go on in this world.

"Oh gosh, you sound so much like Sasuke......" I muttered but continued, " know that 'getting revenge' on that shitty village will not do anything, he sacrificed himself to protect that village and you want to go and destroy it, you may as well go and side with Sasuke" I said with venom dripping from ever word.

"How do you know Itachi and Sasuke?" Akari questioned still frightened.

"I've said to much already, let's just say I know them well" I said and disappeared out of thin air. I reappeared behind them and they both swiftly turned and tried to punch me with the Chakra Fists. My normal Mangekyō Sharingan was activated and the Susanoo blocked both their attacks. I disappeared again and went back to my location before. Akari made hand signs and a large fireball that was to big to evade came straight at me. I could easily make a bigger one but wouldn't want to draw unwanted attention to the area so I settled for using the Amaterasu. It immediately dispersed the other flames and I controlled it to surround them. They both looked scared out of their minds but didn't back down. Amaterasu tried to put out the flames with a water jutsu but failed miserably.

"These are flames are inextinguishable, you have no hope of putting them out, I also believe you don't poses the abitliy yet either" I said with my smirk and I slowly walked around the circle.

"Ok, what do you what from us, tell me and I'll give it to you, as long as you spare Amaterasu" Akari begged realising that she would not be able to win this fight. Smart girl. I quickly body flickered behind them both, Amaterasu was panting on the ground form lack of chakra.

"You'll see" I whispered and knocked them both out. I dispersed the black flames and picked them both up with a tinsy bit of struggle because of my size. I then made my way back to the base making sure I wasn't followed.

When I got back, no one seemed to be around so I took them down to the prison. They started to wake up as I exited, and was stopped in on my way to the exit by Itachi.

"Where have you been?" He asked suspiciously as I took my cloak off and put it and my mask away.

" have guests in the prison, have you seen Shisui, I need to talk to him" I asked.

"He hasn't come back yet, and what do you mean by guests?" He questioned even more suspiciously.

"You'll see" I said as the innocent little girl I am.........not, and left.

I walked back to the cliff to see Shisui sitting looking out at the valley again. When he noticed me, he stood up and walked towards me.

"I'm so so sorry Naomi I-I-" he began but I cut him off by crashing my lips onto his.

"I love you too Shisui" I said and continue kissing him as he kissed me back.

Itachi's POV

When Naomi left, I made my way down to the prison in our base. I couldn't feel any chakra so they had to have chakra blocks on them. When I lit the torches, what I saw made my heart stop. There sat my lover and my daughter, not in any pain or harm. Just sitting in there behind the bars.

"Akari, Amaterasu" I muttered getting their attention.

"Daddy, Itachi?" They both said at the same time.

My eyes started to water a bit.


A/N: GUESS WHAT!!!! I REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS TODAY!!!!!! Thank you so much to everyone, this is a massive achievement for me! Here's a new chapter, hope you like it, remember to vote and comment 😄😄

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