Chapter 31 - Uchiha's Join the Fight

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(Pretend there's a crest on the back)

Itachi's POV
Although we had no clue where Naomi was at this point in time, me and Sasuke made our way to the rendezvous point where we would meet Akari, Amaterasu and Shishi. I really wished that my daughter did not have to be involved in a war and her age but we have no option. The rendezvous point was set in a small remote town for us to meet after we took care of Kabuto. Kabuto is now stuck in an internal loop until he realises who he is and truely is ready to change. Once we met up with the two girls and Shisui we were greeted by gifts, sort of. Shisui's head was almost taken off by Sasuke's katana because he jumped down right in front of us wearing a black cloak. Everyone had a cloak now. It was the typical Uchiha style with a high collar and the crest on the back.

"Where did you get these?" I asked.

"We took a trip to Granny Cat, it's safe to say she almost had a heart attack when she saw Shisui. She made us these though and we stocked up on weapons. We have one for Naomi too if she attends the war" Akari explained. She referred to Naomi in a bitter tone but honestly I did not know if she would make an appearance on the battle field.

"Let's get going then" Shisui said and we all started running towards the battle.


Naruto, Kakashi and Gai faced off against Tobi. Half of his mask was cracked revealing a single Sharingan eye.

"Who are you?" Kakashi demanded.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet Kakashi" Tobi said revealing his true voice.

"N-no, it can't be" Gai said.

"No, he died long ago saving our lives" Kakashi said to Gai.

"I didn't thought Kakashi, I saved yours and Rin's lives just so you could kill her anyway!" He said and sucked Kakashi into their shared dimension.

On the other side of the battle field the 5 Kage faced off against Madara. Not soon after the fight began, an unlikely ally joined in. Just as Tsunade was to be struck by a large tree branch, a giant snake blocked the attack. Tsunade opened her eyes.

"Hmm Tsunade, I thought you were tougher then cowering like that, tsk tsk tsk" the suspicious ally teased.

"O-Orochimaru, what're you doing here? You're dead" she questioned.

"I was quite kindly resurrected by someone who I am not afraid to admit frightens me" he answered her.

"Who might this be?" Madara asked as he stood atop a large branch of a tree.

"You can feel it can't you?" Orochimaru asked Madara.

"Mmm yes I can, that large mass of chakra. I sure hope it's who I think it is" he comments.

"I'm sorry to say I don't believe it's the young girl you were hoping for" Orochimaru says right as the Uchiha make their appearance.

"No you're right, it seems I'll have to wait"

The Uchiha direct their infamous glare at the one and only Madara Uchiha.

"Those eyes, I thought the clan was extinct Sasuke. Killed by your own elder brother?" Madara questions looking directly into Sasuke's hateful glare.

"I do not see your vision anymore Madara. For the first time, my clan has hope to redeem itself for its past actions. That starts today" Sasuke states. He is met by a slow clap.

"My my Sasuke, you've grown so much. It's nice to be able to see you and your brother on the same side" Orochimaru comments revealing himself. Madara smirks at hearing that Sasuke and Itachi were on the same side.

"What're you doing here Orochimaru, you were killed and sealed yet you have still slithered back to this world" Sasuke spat coldly. Orochimaru smirks at the boy and realisation comes to Itachi's eyes.

"Naomi brought you back didn't she?" Itachi questioned.

"You were always a bright child Itachi, and you have become a wise man. But yes she has brought me back as she needed my aid" he answered. Shisui goes to lunge at Orochimaru but is held back by Itachi.

"You snake, where is she. What have you done with her!" Shisui shouts.

"Calm down boy, she will be here soon. Mind you she is bringing back up too" he says looking back at Madara.

What is that girl up to? Madara thinks to himself.

"No matter who she brings, it will all end the same. She is the final piece in my plan. After I remove my soul from her body I will be able to truely be alive again. I'll have the strength the rip the 10 tails from her body myself and not even need the 8 and 9 tails anymore. My plan will be complete and no one will be able to stop project Tsuki No Me. The ninja world will know true peace for the first time" Madara rages on.

"She will not be defeated that easily and she has a hell of a lot more back up than you do" Shisui says.

"Heh, it won't matter once I have my soul" Madara comments as Obito appears beside him.

"The nine tails is on his way over here" Obito says with a slightly puffed voice from his battle with Kakashi.

"You seem to have met your match Obito? Your identity is revealed"

"It's no matter, and I most certainly have not. I'm ready to go at the stupid Uchiha Princess after she pulled that stunt on me" Obito growled. Madara smirked.

"I'm glad you're eager" he said knowing full well that she was coming.

A large wood dragon suddenly broke through the earth followed by a massive wave of mud catching everyone off guard. The attack missed the allies and headed straight for Madara and Obito breaking through the roots that had been created by Madara. He activated Susanoo just in time to cover himself and Obito as the dragon hit. The mud wall fell at their feet as if it were just a useless attack with no real power. Madara rose himself out of the mud and onto the remains of a large wooden root, leaving Obito standing in the mud.

"What kind of attack was that? The mud did nothing. This will be simple if that's the only attacks they're given" Obito mocked. Very quickly, lighting was sent through the mud shocking Obito. He got himself out just in time so that no extreme damage was done. All of a sudden a flash of yellow came at him wielding the Rasengan. He fazed through this with Kamui but was hit with a chakra infused punch straight to the face. Obito was send flying back to the base of the root that Madara stood atop. Within a quick flash, 4 males landed on the round with a young girl in front of them.

"How do you hope to face me if you can't even dodge some mud?" She questioned with a mocking smirk. Itachi held a small smile on his face while Shisui stared stunned at the girl before him. The 4 last Hokage stand behind her. Suddenly a voice is heard just arriving.

"Dad?" A familiar voice says. Minato Namikaze turns his head to look at his son, finally seeing him for the first time in person.



A/N: Yay finally updated, go me!! Yeah nah sorry everyone, this chapter and the next two are proving really hard to write and I don't have a computer atm also with 3 assignment that I can't even do so I hope this update is ok. Idk how long the next two chapters will take cause I wanna make them really good, probably gonna be the last two till this book is done. Woohoo.

Plz comment and vote, tell me your thoughts and any questions you have.

Naomi is back!!!

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