Chapter 19 - Comrades

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Naomi's POV

It was dark, dark and cold. I assume that I'm being held underground. What annoyed me though was that I couldn't move, and couldn't access any chakra whatsoever. I tried to activate my sharingan but could only manage the first stage. From what I could see, the walls and chains I was bound by all had extremely complex chakra blocks on them but there were cells like mine all around me. Like a prison.

The memories flash back of what happened. Shisui, I let my guard down and this was the consequence. Did they get him too? Surely not. What about the others, no Itachi would have protected them.

What is this place? And who took me? I asked in my head. I awaited Kiyara to answer as I knew that she'd blocked Madara from contacting me.

I'm not quite sure human, I did not sense any ominous chakra at any point near when you were attacked. And these chakra blocks are blocking me too. All I can sense is that your brothers girlfriend is here too.

No. They got Akari too. I sucked in a hard breath trying to calm down and figure a way out of this. My thinking was interrupted as I heard footsteps coming along the hall and a light pass my door. They went to Akari. I heard the door open and shut then everything was silent. Everything was silent until I heard a loud scream. I grit my teeth knowing that I couldn't do anything. Akari was in pain and they were coming here next, whoever they are, they're dead.

Sasuke's POV

I traveled to mine and Naomi's meeting point as we had plans to discuss. That day when we met again we staged a fake get away making everyone think that we hadn't agreed on whatever we were talking about. We had thought, but in order for it to work, Madara must not know that I was associated with the Uchiha clan. He did however have his suspicions, but I managed to convince him that I was going on a bounty mission.

I'd been waiting for Naomi for quite a while so I decided to wander around. This was an area I was unfamiliar with but I suddenly felt an extremely familiar chakra. It seemed stronger and healthier, it'd been a while since I'd seen this person. Someone I thought I'd never see again.

"Itachi" I said.

"Hello Sasuke" he said. We stared off for a while. He looked tired, very tired.

"Have you seen Naomi?" I broke the silence. His jaw seemed to clench.

"Have you been followed?" He questioned. I shook my head and he nodded.

"Come with me then" he said and I followed.

We came to a cave and he did some hand signs and part of the rock formation disappeared. We passed through a series of halls, much more lit and bright than the Akatsuki, and I came to the realisation that this was their hide out. He lead me to a large meeting room where there we're two people. One I recognised to be Shisui, and the other I assumed was him daughter, considering it's the same girl from last time me and Naomi met. Shisui looked bad, like something had happened. He seemed stressed and sleep deprived. Big bags were under his eyes. The young girl had been crying.

"What happened?" I asked keeping my emotionless facade. Itachi clenched his fist and Shisui growled. Both there men are supposedly patient people. But something had to have happened.

"Naomi and Akari have been taken" Itachi spat. The girl started crying again. Itachi went over to her and picked her up. He carried her off somewhere down the hall which left me and Shisui.

"Something's up with you, I know I haven't seen you in a while and I have no right to ask, but does it involve my sister?" I turned to Shisui. He stayed still for a moment before turning to me dead serious.

"Yes, now your not to tell your brother, we will tell him when the time is right" he said and I nodded.

"May I ask what?" I continued. A small smile grazed his face.

"Let's just say that I love her, I may have not grown up with her or anything, but I was her guardian for a while until I came back to the living world. You seemed to have changed as well, wanna share?" He asked. Shisui was always like a big brother to me, and if I want to change, then this is a start. Getting to know a comrade. I say down and began to tell him.

"It all started that horrid day that I saw Naomi's face after I killed Itachi. I felt an emotion I never had before. And then I found out the truth, at first all I wanted was revenge on the leaf, then I realised that I had broken all trust with the only living family member I had left. She wanted nothing to do with me. Then I decided that having a bond with my sister was worth it, so I began trying to change, only for her though. It started off with little things, like paying more attention to her, making little gestures, and at first she paid no mind to it. No amount of attention would be able to make up for what I deprived her of when we were younger. After a while, we grew closer, and she started to let me in again, but this time so did I, that's where I failed last time. I know that at this point in time, I'll never have a bond with her like the one her and Itachi share. Although she's a mix of both of us, she is more like him, they're in sync with each other. Then she found out you were alive, so she wanted to pursue you. But Madara wouldn't let her go without a fight. He underestimated her though, we all did. She beat him, using techniques I've never seen before" I told. Shisui smirked,

"She is a creative one that girl" I also smirked.

"Yeah, well she left, promising that she'd keep in touch. Madara was so pissed. One, that he lost to a girl. Two, that he lost in general. And three, that the person was someone he thought he could take easily. While she was gone, I rethought everything, knowing that there was hope for the Uchiha, I decided that family came first, and that I'd change for them. So here I am. At the moment I'm undercover spying on the Akatsuki for Naomi, and I came to relay some information and go over the overall plan, but it seems there's a more pressing matter at hand. And I'm willing to do anything at the moment, but I have to keep my cover" I finished explaining and felt a slight bit worried about everything I've just said, I've never opened up to someone like that before. All this new emotion stuff is confusing. Shisui smiled and nodded behind me. I turned to see Itachi also with a small smile, a real smile.

"I'm proud of the person you've become little brother, I must admit you siblings of mine proved me wrong. I estimated that it'd be the Nine tails jinjuriki that'd pull you out of the darkness, but it was our own sister, the sister that at this point in time is in need of our help, along with Akari. I just put Amaterasu to sleep so let's get to work" he said and we began.

Naomi's POV

Tears of anger fell from my eyes and and blood dropped from my clenched fists as Akari screamed. I yelled and screamed,







The screaming ceased and I heard her cell door open and close. Footsteps walked slowly, almost mockingly, down the hall. As the door opened I struggled in my restraints trying to break free.

"Why don't you calm down so we can talk" the person said and I recognised the voice immediately. My head snapped up with my most vicious glare ever.

"It's you...YOU BASTARD...!"


A/N: HEYO GUYS!! THIS CHAPTER CELEBRATES 100k READS ON THE FIRST BOOK!!! And my birthday a few days ago. And almost 300 followers!! I'm actually so happy at the moment!! I hope this chapter is worthwhile, tell me what you think👌🏼

The more comments the better, oh and votes 😁 love you all.

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