Chapter 1 - Found

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Danny's P.O.V

That night I found her, cold and alone dumped in a McDonalds rubbish bin, wrapped in one of their brown paper bags but still shivering in the winters evening frost. Her big blue eyes looked up at me and my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Her little chubby hand reached up towards me and started playing with the chain that hung from my neck. That's when I noticed a thin piece of rope lossless tied around her arm, it had a tag on it to like a dog coller, Iris, the paper read.
"Iris," I whispered under my breath looking down at the small creature that had been stuffed into a filthy bin surrounded by questionable pieces of meat and the greasiest fries known to man. I'd only come round here for a smoke, I thought, and now look what I've found.
Sighing, I carefully lifted Iris out of the rubbish and wrapped her in my jacket. She did have a nappy on, but I hardly doubt that kept her warm and it clearly hadn't been changed in a while judging by the smell. Gently, I cradled her in my arms and whipped the ketchup from her forehead with my sleeve.
"It's okay baby, I'll keep you safe." I smiled at the little girl and kissed her head, "Everything will be okay."
"Danny! Are you alright back there?" I suddenly heard Mark shout from the car.
"Yeah, fine I'll be two seconds!" I call back and quickly pull the hood of my coat over Iris's head so no one can see her, and rush back to the car.
"Took your time!" Glen grinned and started up the engine.


Once I'd finally got home, Iris was asleep snoring calmly her eyelids flickering as if she was dreaming. Carefully I lay her on the sofa still snuggled in my warm winter coat, now what? Do I keep her? Someone obviously did want her considering she was in a bin, do I go to the police? All these questions rushed over me like a tidal wave knocking me over and leaving me not knowing what to do. Okay, let's just focus on tonight, I thought rushing up stairs to grab some blankets and pillows for her. Then I ran her a very shallow bath to get of the grease and chicken smell. Suddenly there was a wail  from down stairs, running as quick as I could I got to Iris. She lay they're screaming, tears pouring down her red cheeks.
"Hey it's okay baby," I tried to smiled but she didn't even look at me, "Are you hungry?" Iris screamed more, obviously not able to reply. Hurriedly, I whisked her off the sofa and into the kitchen. What do babies eat? My mind was all over the place as I flung open the fridge door. Milk! Quickly, I grabbed the carton and a glass and did my best to feed it to her. Immediately she stopped crying and my heart stopped pounding, everything was calm again.
"That's it baby, don't be sad." I smiled, whipping the tears from her cheeks and rocking her gently. "Now let's get you in the bath." Carefully I carried her upstairs doing all I could to not make her cry. Once in the bath room, holding my nose, I flung off her dirty nappy and shoved it into the bin. The worse bits over. Then cautiously, I lifted her into the tub, holding her head back into the water and using a flannel to get as much crap of her as I could. She started smiling once she was clean and splashing happily about in the water.
"See baths are a good thing," I grinned, watching her smile for probably the firth time in a long while. "It's getting late Iris, I think it's time for bed now." I said and lifted her out of the bath and pulled the biggest, fluffyist towel off the rack and buried her in it.
When she was dry I grabbed a bin bag which would have to do as a nappy for now and tucked her into the spare room bed. As soon as her little head hit the pillow she was out, "Yano, maybe I'll just sleep her tonight." 
And without even getting changed I curled up next to my little baby Iris.

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