Chapter 14 - Daddy's Coming

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Danny's P.O.V

"Well I'm sorry hon, but you can't just knock a door down!" Joan chuckled suddenly stopping her self when she realised I was serious.
"Please Mrs Hopkins, if what I'm thinking is true, there could be a baby inside in serious trouble!" I rushed and began hammering on the door.
"Daniel dear!" I shot Joan a look of desperation, "Fine. Let me get my husband, he has tools we can use." She hurried inside and 2 minutes later she was dragging her husband out of the house next door.
"Danny, Pete. Pete, Danny." I smiled quickly and shook his hand.
"Come on then son, let's get this door down." Pete said, pulling two screw drivers out of his tool box, handed me one and we began unscrewing the hinges. The first one came off easy but the second was really tricky, just as it was finally loosening a sudden wail came from inside. A wail I recognised. Iris. My heart sped up, I wanted to knock this door down and hug Iris so tight that I'd never let her go.
"It's okay baby, daddy's coming!" I shouted just as the door came off.

Mark's P.O.V

"I've left him like 20 voice mails!" Glen complained flopping on to Danny's door step next to Emma.
"And I've texted him loads look!" Emma exclaimed, holding up her screen and scrolling through hundreds of text messages to Danny, "I'm really worried about him!"
"Same. Why don't we have a look around town? Yano, in the bar, supermarket, anywhere Danny could be." I suggested.
"Good idea Mark, I'll drive." Glen agreed throwing his keys and catching them again as we left Danny's front yard.

Danny's P.O.V

Running inside I could hear my heart beat in my ears and my legs gained a mind of there own rushing into each room of the house.
"Iris!" I called out my voice shaking with fear for her.
"Honey, I don't think she's here." Joan patted my arm.
"She is I swear!" I snapped rummaging through the pantry in the kitchen.
"Goodluck Daniel, I'm sorry but I have work to get to," Pete smiled leaving as Joan trotted away behind him.
It was just me now, inside this deserted house looking for a baby. Was I totally insane? Another cry screamed out almost on queue, it was coming from upstairs. Hurrying up stairs two at a time, I crashed into the bedroom. Another cry. She was in here.
"Daddy's here baby, everything's okay." Under the bed? No. Behind the bookcase? No. In the wardrobe?
"Iris," I gasped as I found her, a skinny little ball huddled in the corner of the wardrobe. Pushing back the tears, I reached inside and lifted her out. She was so much smaller than when I'd last seen her. She was even skinner than when I'd first found her in McDonalds, that seemed like forever ago now. Tears streamed down her face but only a small whimper escaped her mouth. A tiny, bony finger wrapped around mine, taking me by surprise. It was like Iris had just pulled a magic trigger because suddenly I snapped into action mode, pulling my phone out of my bag and dialling 999 like lighting.
"Hello, yes, police and ambulance please."

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