Chapter 8 - Happy Birthday Dan

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Glens P.O.V
The next morning -

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Danny, happy birthday to you." Mark and I sing at the top of our lungs waking up the whole neighbourhood. We do this every year, it's like a tradition, standing on Danny's door step freezing our toes off at 7am on the dot, singing happy birthday. But this years different, Danny doesn't come running down the stairs or shouts at us from the window because we've woken him us so early. No. There's no answer, no reply, no Danny.

Danny's P.O.V

My eyes peel open and for a second I forget where I am, however it isn't long until the events of last night come flooding back to me. There's a chilling draft in the air that makes me shiver under the scratchy blanket that's covering me. There's know one around yet, well there's nothing around all together. Black walls, bared windows, the tiny metal bed that hangs from the wall by think chains and a small glass of water in the corner of my cell. Sighing, I pull myself out of bed and rub my eyes. I'm not in a proper prison luckily, I'm just in one of the two or three small cells they have at the station, for the people who've done something minor and are only spending a night or so in here. As I run my fingers gently over the cold metal bars that contain me inside, I notice a calendar hanging in the waiting room, October 3rd, "Happy birthday to me." I sign under my breath. 7:10am the clock above it reads, God, Glen and Mark will me at my house by now, wondering where I am. What about Iris... She'll be at the orphanage all alone, no one who knows she likes to have a small bowl of porridge in the morning or how on Sunday's its princess day, where Iris wears her 'Sleeping Beauty' dress all day and we have a tea party at lunch with Mr Honey the bear and Fluffles the poodle. Tears begin to form in my eyes, will I ever see her again? My thoughts continue to run for at least half an hour, before I finally see a police officer walk past.
"Excuse me," I call running up to the bars.
"Yes sir?" The officer turns around, walking towards my cell.
"What time might I be getting out of here?" I ask
"Name?" The officer coughs
"O'Donoghue, Danny O'Donoghue." The officer nods as he pick a file from the desk and flicks to the page with my name on it.
"Now," the officer smiles as he unlocks my cell.
"Thank you," I smile back as I make my way to the door.
"Wait sir, my daughter loves your band... Could you..." Awkward the officer hold out a scrap of paper.
"Sure," I laugh signing the paper.

Danny's House -

As the taxi pulls into my driveway, the first thing I see is Glen and Mark sitting on my door step a present dumped by their feet.
"Sorry!" I call as I step out of the car. 
"Where have you been?!" Mark comes storming up to me.
"Do you know how long we've been sitting here?" Glen follows
"Um... I kinda..." I begin until Mark interrupts me
"Gowan then who did you ditch us for?"
"Well... Prison."
"What!" They shout
"Look I'll explain later but what I really want is a cup of tea." I smile unlocking the front door. As we walk inside the atmosphere changes, my house feels empty, an empty crib upstairs, an empty bottle in the kitchen. My empty heart with no Iris to fill it.
Glen hands me a cuppa as I collapse on the sofa.
"Wait. Where's Iris?" Mark questions. So I explain the whole story of last night from the police arriving at my door to being let out of my cell.
Once the story's over we sit in silence. A silence that seems to last for centuries.
"Dan I'm so so sorry," Glen pats on the back sympathetically
"Can we just not talk about it." I sigh as I finish the last drops of tea in my cup.
"Sure." Mark stands up and walks to the front door, "Hey Dan, this letter came for you earlier." Mark picks a think envelope off the floor and hands it to me.  As I tare it open my heart stops, my hands begin to shake and sweat beads run slowly down my face.
"What is it Dan?" Glen says
My mouth dry as the as Sahara I manage to utter the words, "I've got to go to court, for kidnapping Iris."

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