Chapter 24 - If You Love Something You've Got To Let It Go

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Danny's P.O.V

Mark had agreed to look after Iris for me today because I'd decided to have a word with Emma, after a lot of persuading from Glen I was going to see her.
She was there as I'd thought, behind the counter of Starbucks taking the lunch time shift.
"Skinny latte?" She said as I came to the till.
"I was hoping more for a talk." I said and Emma nodded.
"Just a sec," She said before calling, "Steph I'm taking my break!"
"Ok!" Steph called from the kitchen.
"Let's sit down," Emma suggested, hanging up her apron on the coat rack. We sat down on the arm chairs by the window. "So..."
"So, I read your letter," I started, "I totally understand where your coming from Em and I've never felt like I feel a about you, about anyone! But, you have to understand I'm juggling a band and a baby. I just don't think it's the right time for a relationship." I could see Emma's heart sink and she bowed her head and sniffed. "But Dan," She reached across the table for my hand. I pulled it away.
"No Emma, I'm sorry." I gulped.
"I'll never forget you O'Donoghue. Anyway you know what the say, if you love something you got to let it go," She looked up at me and forced a fake smile. I nodded, got up and never looked back.


"It was really that bad, huh?" Mark asked sipping his tea. They'd come over as soon as I'd texted them about speaking to Emma.
"Awful. Have I done the right thing?" I sighed looking over at Glen, who had Iris sitting on his lap nibbling on a cookie Mark had bought her.
"We can't tell you that Dan. But your not in love with her anymore are you?" Glen said, twirling Iris's bunches around his fingers. After a long moment of silence, I suddenly realised. I did love Emma, and I still do. She messed up sure, but we all make mistakes and she'd apologised so many times for doing so. She meant the world to me, how could I of let her go?
"No, no I do."
"What?" Glen and Mark chorused.
"I love her," I'd finally realised just how much I needed Emma. "I want her. What was I thinking? I need Emma in my life!"
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it. She was standing on my door step. The woman I loved, had come back to me.
"Hi Dan," she said quietly.
"Emma, what are you doing here?" I was so thankful she was here, words can't describe.
"I just came to drop of some of your stuff that you've left at my place," she handed me a small bag of items, a toothbrush, a pair of socks and some underwear.
"Oh... okay," My heart sank, I guess I could of expected that.
"Ah and also, I wanted to tell you, I moving away." My draw dropped and almost hit the floor, I couldn't speak, the words jumbled in my head, it was all a mess, this wasn't how our relationship was meant to go.
"But... Why... What?" I rambled on.
"Well, my friend has an apartment in Italy, Milan and offered me to come and stay with her. I really think it's the best way... You know... To get over you..." A silence followed until I managed to say,
"So.... when are you leaving?"
"Tonight. I'm actually on my way to the airport now." This really was it. God I'd messed this up big time. "I wanted to leave as soon as possible." Another pause, "Goodbye Dan." Sighing I shut the door. There was nothing left to say.

Closing my eyes for a second, I faced the door, I could hear her foot steps going down the drive until they were a faint memory in the distance.
"So you let her go?" Mark said behind me.
"What else can I do?" I blinked, trying to stop the tears from falling.
"You have to go after her!" Glen exclaimed, holding Iris on his hip.
"What... No I can't!" I said sliding down the door and putting my head in my hands.
"What's stopping you?" Mark said, "Danny, if you let her go to Milan you'll never get her back! You have to go after her!"
"Yeah. Your right! Thanks! Yes! I'm going! I'm gonna get the love of my life back!" I jumped up and began to fling on my coat. "Wait, can you guys stay here and look after Iris?"
"Course we can! Now go!" Mark shouted, slapping me on the back and giving me a big thumbs up as I left the house.
Flinging open the car door, I jumped into the drivers seat. I was going to the nearest airport, I didn't even know if that's where Emma would be. But it was worth a shot, I had to find the love of my life before I loose her for good!

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