Chapter 10 - Court & Coffee

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Danny's P.O.V

The day before -

With my hand on my heart, I repeated after the judge, "I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." My hands are shaking, my nerves are all over the place, I glance over at my lawyer who gives me a reassuring look.
Suddenly, the judge hammers on the stand and the whole room falls silent.
"Mr O'Donoghue, on what night did you find this baby, Iris?" Sighing, I explain the story of how I found her, by the end there's a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
"Ah, but you do realise you should have reported her to the police immediately?" I nod meekly, "And why didn't you?"
"It was late," I muttered, "She was covered in rubbish, I knew I should have taken her to the police but I guess... I don't know..." I trail off.
"That is why this was classed as kidnap because you kept her in your custody illegally for weeks."
"I see." I gulp.
"However Mr O'Donoghue I do not think you deserve to be sentenced, due to the fact you did not harm Iris and you took good care of her." The judge nodded.
"Who will take custody of her now? Can I not adopt her?" I said eagerly
"Well actually Mr O'Donoghue, we've found Iris's mother and she is claiming her back under her custody." That's when my whole world came crashing down around me and I realised I would never see Iris again. She was gone. For good.

Today -

The hot coffee burned my throat and made my eyes water, I didn't flinch. The only thing on my mind was Iris, it was always her and it always will be.
"Sir..." I carried on staring into space, "Sir?" Suddenly I came back to Earth to find a waitress looking at me and smiling.
"Um... Sorry." I sighed rubbing my eyes.
"A lot on your mind?" She grinned sweetly flicking her fringe out of her face.
"Yeah... you could say that." I forced a side smile and sipped my coffee.
"Sorry to here that, I'm Emma." She held out her hand and I shook it politely.
"Danny." I replied.
"Do you maybe want to go for a drink or something?" Emma blushed as I looked down and my coffee, "I mean other than this place." She laughed nervously.
"You know I would love to but I have so much going on at the moment, sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Oh, okay that's fine, maybe another time then." I nodded as Emma smiled and took my empty coffee mug from the table.

5 minutes later

"Oh hey Dan," Glen waved as a left Starbucks.
"Oh hey." I sniffed running my fingers through my hair.
"You okay?" Glen asked as we walked down the street.
"Yeah..." I sighed, "Just had to turn down a date with this really cute girl, that's all"
"What? Why?" Glen stopped suddenly
"God calm down! I'm just not up to it at the moment there's to much going on." I explained.
"No! Dan, come on! You need this! You need a distraction! Look go back into that coffee shop and ask her out!" Glen ranted.
"Well I can't now that just embarrassing!"
"Gowan Dan! What's the harm in asking her out!"
"Fine!" I exclaimed, sighing and slouching back to Starbucks. Once inside I stood at the till and waved awkwardly at Emma as Glen watched from the door. "Hi again."
"Oh hi! Did you forget something?" She smiled
"No, no. I just sort of..." I stuttered looking back at Glen who gave me the
thumbs up, "Wondered if you'd like to go for a drink sometime?" I asked looking at the floor and circling my foot.
"Sure! Here's my number," Emma laughed, quickly scribbling her number on her notepad and ripping out the page. "Text me when and where." She winked and handed me the paper.
"Will do." I smiled back and left the coffee shop.

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