Chapter 15 - Hospital

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Mark's P.O.V

"Guys! My phone ringing and its Danny!" Glen shouting suddenly almost spilling his pint (we got distracted at the pub looking for Danny).
"Really?" Emma smiled.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Glen shouted down the phone, "Wait what? Right. We'll be there." Glen hung up, his mouth in a stern straight line, "Come on, we need to go, I'll explain on the way."


Danny's P.O.V

Amen. I thought praying to myself in the hospital waiting room. A woman next to me coughed loudly next to me, she was pale and small, clutching a baby in her arms. I would do anything for Iris not to be in this condition, I would so rather it be me strapped up to wires, passed out in a hospital bed. My heart leapt suddenly as a nurse came out of the ward,
"Lucy Martin." She said, as the woman next to me got up and followed the nurse out of the waiting room.
God. It's been at least an hour. I thought, as I wandered towards the vending machine, maybe some sugar would pick me up.
"Danny! We're here!" I hear Mark shout, just as a glimpse of his ginger beard comes rushing round the corner.
"Guys!" I called collapsing into Glen and Mark's arms.
"Dan, what's happened?" Mark asked still holding me up.
"It's... Iris." That's when I cried, I broke down for the first time today, I was exhausted and full of emotion overflowing inside of me.
"Danny, mate it's okay." Glen patted my back and sat me down on the hard waiting room chairs.
"No," I will my eyes and sniffed, "She's un stable guys. She's in critical condition."
"Danny!" A shout called as Emma scouted round the corner, "Sorry lads, I was just parking the car... what's happened?" Emma stopped as she noticed our expressions.
"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria and get some brunch, we'll explain on the way." Mark said as we left the waiting room.
Quietly, I moved my chips from one side of my plate to the other, mixing them with the ketchup on the side.
"Dan..." A faint sound rang in my ears as my thoughts wondered away with me. Please God let Iris me ok, she's a beautiful, intelligent girl she doesn't deserve this, she never hurt anyone, she's only a baby.
"Dan..." Another voice said, ignoring it I carried on thinking.
"Yo Danny!" Mark shouted, making me jump from my thoughts back to reality.
"Sorry..." I sighed.
"Babe, you have to stop worrying, she's in expert hands she'll be fine, trust me!" Emma reached for my hand but I pulled it away, I wasn't in the mood for anyone at the moment.
"Mr O'Donoghue," A nurse tapped me on the back as I spun round, startled.
"Yes." I snapped without meaning to.
"You can come and see Iris if you want, she still unconscious but in a stable condition." My heard jumped. She was ok. Emma was right, Iris was going to be ok.
"Yes thank you, thank you so much," I leapt up from my chair almost knocking over my coffee.
"Follow me," The nurse smiled and lead me down the corridor to Iris's ward. My heart thumped so loud I could hear it in my ears as we stood outside the door, slowly the nurse pushed open the door and there she was. So small, so tiny, baby Iris lay in the huge hospital bed. Her beautiful blue eyes were closed and her petit little chest moved up and down as she breathed heavily. Quietly, I pulled the arm chair in the corner, up to Iris's bed and slipped my hand around her tiny fingers.
"She'll have to stay in hospital for a few days, just so we can keep an eye on her but I'm sure she'll be able to go home as soon as possible." The nurse said.
"Yes, thank you so much!" I smiled at Iris, knowing she was going to be ok was all I needed at the moment. I just wanted to take some time to take in what had happened these past few months...
"Danny!" Glen, Emma and Mark burst through the ward door.
"What?" I hissed, gesturing them not to wake Iris up.
"Um... There's someone out here who needs to speak to you," Emma whispered. Sighing I left the room, shutting the door behind me, suddenly as I turned around I walked straight into two stern looking police officers.

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