Chapter 26 - Everything Is Beautiful When You're Mindless In Love

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A year later

Danny's P.O.V

Oh, happy, blustery Dublin days, the sky getting heavier, the leaves changing colours. Oh, endless fall nights, the wind getting colder, the stars brighter. Everything is beautiful when you're mindless in love, when you ignore your fears and doubts and focus hard on here and now. We are inseparable again, she and I, there are doubters but they all seem insignificant and far away.
We never forgave one another for the past, it didn't seem important . We just picked up right where we left off, before it all went bad and we lost our minds. At night when I lie next to her in bed, sometimes I worry that I am delusional, that perhaps I'm rushing things. My heart may be in the drivers seat at the moment, but my brain is still shouting directions from the back. Why? How? Really? But then she'll stir, will turn into me to protect her from whatever bad dream she's having, and the doubting stops. I am a believer. I want to believe.

"You nervous?" Mark asked tightening my tie around my neck.
"Petrified," I laughed nervously, this was the beginning of the rest of my life and my legs where turned to jelly.
"Well you look great," Glen smiled as we all stood in front of the big, white church. All three of us together, hands on each other's shoulders. All three of us, ready to welcome another member of our family. All three of us, and that's how it should always be. Breaking the silence Glen said,
"Oh! Only five minutes! I better get round to the front of the church." He scooted off ready to welcome Emma, when she stepped out of the wedding car, and walk her down the isle. It was  nice of him to do that for her, she didn't have a Dad so Glen had offered to do it, and Mark could be my best man.
"Come on then bud," Mark clapped me on the back, "Let's get you married!"

Smiling, we walked into the church, guests were piling in from every angle to watch the happiest day of my life. We greeted the vicar at the alter, but we didn't have much time to get settled as someone shouted,
"She's here!" The organ started playing, the crowd waited in awe and my whole life was about to be turned upside down.
Suddenly, the woman I loved dearly came round the corner, the guests raised from there seats and much like myself couldn't take their eyes off of her. Her dress had lace sleeves, a high neck line and a huge puffy skirt as big and bright as our future together. Her fringe was pinned up in a quiff on top of her head and her short brown bob was curled in a wavy fashion, topped off with a long lace vail.
Then I noticed my daughter holding the train of Emma's dress proudly, she was the only bridesmaid as Emma's only true friend lived in Milan. Iris had on a little white puffy dress, with purple sash and a pink and purple flower crown sat on her head.
Once Emma was at the alter Iris came a stood next to Mark and held his hand, Glen kissed Emma's cheek, wished her luck and then stood on the other side of us.

"Dearly beloved," The minister started but I'd completely switched off, my eyes were locked with Emma and her beauty.

After various speeches and songs it was eventually time for the vows and rings.
"Daniel, you can start." The minister nodded at me.
I took a deep breath as Mark handed me the paper that I scribbled the meaningful words on, "Emma." I began to read, "Never in a million years did I think I'd find the love of my life at Starbucks." Various laughs and smiles came from the guests, "You've been so supportive of me, in everything I do. I hope I can do the same for you in our future. You mean the world to me and I can't wait to start a family with you, grow old with you and fall in love with you more ever single day."
Salty, hot tears began to fall down Emma's cheeks.
"Hey, hey, your mascara will run." I laughed wiping Emma's eyes for her and slipping the silver ring on her finger.
"Emma," The minister hinted for her to begin to read her vows.
"Danny, I'd always been a fan of your band, your music helped me through some tough times, the break ups, the fear and the heart ache of lost love ones. I always thought the guy behind those songs would be talented and wonderful, but I was wrong. You are so much more than that, you're thoughtful and brilliant and I've never loved anyone as much as I love you." And with that she places the ring that united us as a representative of our love, on my finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The vicar said as our lip locked and the crowd cheered. Just then I felt a little hand slip in to mine. Pulling away from Emma, I picked Iris up and placed her on my hip and we started back down the isle. A family at last.


"I know introduce to you, for the first time, the O'Donoghue's, Emma and Danny!" I heard Mark and Glen shout from the other side of the giant doors. Just then, the doors opened, Emma gripped my hand and we were greeted by all our guests, cheering and clapping. We walked together through the crowd and took our places on the dance floor. 'Never Seen Anything Quite Like You' started playing on the sound system and we began to sway over the dance floor, in each other's arms. Iris joined us half way through the first dance, holding our hands and letting us guide her in the movement, as we danced the night away.


That night I felt like the luckiest man alive, Emma was curled up in my arms. I felt like we'd made it. I felt like we were there. I felt like we were in love.

Oh, happy, blustery Dublin days, the sky getting heavier, the leaves changing colours. Oh, endless fall nights, the wind getting colder, the stars brighter. Everything is beautiful when you're mindless in love.

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