Chapter 2

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"He's staring at you."

"He's always staring at me."

"I want a boy to stare at me like that. He'll totally ask you. Louie was so close to asking me yesterday," Dusty whined. "Colin was getting impatient with his car."

"That stinks. He will ask you today." I catch a glimpse of a large body moving towards me from the corner of my eye and I start to walk towards the bathroom, Dusty calling after me.

I know I'm going to have to talk to him at some point but I would rather it be later than sooner. I duck into the girls bathroom and let out a breath. I hear giggling and go over to the sinks to wash my face.

"I want to go to prom with him so bad." Sienna whined as she applied her lipstick. "We have an English project together so maybe we can get a little bonding time in. Gives him plenty of opportunity to ask me."

"I want to go with him more." Her equally ditsy and blonde friend Serena trumped.

"I want to go with him way more than you two." The last of the airheaded trinity, Stella, one upped.

I open the door to leave when I hear them chatting in low whispers, obviously thinking I left. "I hear he is planning this big thing to ask Bella out. I mean, she's pretty, but I don't know why he likes her."

"He'd be way better off with me."

I could only imagine who they were talking about. Please don't ask me, Gavin. I don't need the unwanted attention.

The bell rings and I head to English and take a sigh of relief when I don't see any big signs or marching bands. Plus, Adam is already seated in the back of the class, hoodie pulled up and drawing something with a Sharpie. Two pluses.

Gavin slides into his chair just as the bell rings and I don't get the usual neck kiss he usually gives me. Three pluses.

"Ok, today we will be sharing our reports about the romance book of our choice." Mrs. McLean sits on the edge of her desk and crosses her legs. "Any volunteers to go first?"

I'm about to put my hand up when Gavin shoots out of his seat, oohing and ahing like a monkey and bouncing up and down like a five year old. "I volunteer as tribute!"

Gavin never acted like that. He always volunteered to share seventh, it was his "lucky number".

Mrs. McLean blinked at him a few times at me before motioning for him to go to the front of the class.

He walks up proudly and places his report on the podium, grinning widely and making Sienna giggle. He ruffles his thick dark hair and cracks his neck a few times, like reading a report is so hard.

"My report was based on The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins," I wouldn't necessarily consider The Hunger Games a romance novel, more of a thriller or adventure story. "I found that Katniss was very fickle about who to be with," Gavin glared at me. "And never chose anybody in the end, which shows weakness and that she is stupid. I think she should've been with Gale because he was good looking, a good hunter, and wanted to be with her, but she was too stupid to realize this, thank you." The class clapped awkwardly, I would barely call that a report, and for some crazy reason I feel like he was directing it at me. If he was trying to say that I was Katniss, calling me stupid was definitely not going to get me to like him.

"That was very....... Opinionated. Thank you, Gavin." Mrs. McLean said.

"That was amazing Gavin." Sienna said.

"Anyone else?"

I volunteered to go next and presented my report on Pride and Prejudice. Classics were always my favorite. I can tell Mrs. McLean enjoyed my presentation like she usually did.

Sadly, english had to come to an end. I was on my way to my locker when two boys zipped by me, one being chased by the other. The one being chased slapped my books out of my hands, sending them scattering to the floor. The chaser leaped over the messy pile and kept chasing the boy. I grumbled as I bent down to pick them up. As I lifted my english binder, somebody else helped me pick it up. I looked up and was filled with horror, it was Adam. I quickly yank my book from him and continue to clean up my mess.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asks in his deep, husky voice.

"No." I lie nervously. I finally glance over his full figure. I never really got past his eyes. He had a thick football player's build, light brown hair that brushed the top of his shoulders, sharp cheekbones and a hard expression on his face, it looked like it was hard for him to smile.

"We need to talk about this project," he grunts. "Have you read the book?"

"Y-yes." I stammer.

"I can buy supplies and help you get it made."


"Can you meet after school tomorrow?"

"S-sure." I could only get out one word answers.

"I'll see you then." He mumbles before walking away, leaving me a little stunned against my locker.

Well I got that over with.


"Papa! I'm home!" I yell over the sound of metal clinking on metal. "I thought you finished the simulator?" I asked as I stepped into the living room.

"Now I have to make the simulator charger. Three uses before it dies. Nobody wants only three uses!" He explains.

I chuckle and head into the kitchen to get myself some yogurt when a text buzzes in on my phone from an unknown number.

Come outside now. John Green is walking down the street.

My eyes widen and I run into my room to grab Looking for Alaska for him to sign before bolting down all five flights of stairs and outside. I frown. Who texted me? Did I miss him? He wasn't here. I walk onto the sidewalk, looking down the street. I'm about to turn around and go back when I'm being yanked into a car.


Wanted to let everyone know that I have recently made a Wattpad help book if you find yourself in need of anything like that.

How is the story going so far? You like? Don't forget to comment! If I get five votes or ten comments I'll publish a chapter tomorrow too!



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