Chapter 8

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Gavin's POV

"I don't suppose you have a date yet."

"I'm working on it."

I scoffed as I wiped my sweaty face with a towel. "You won't do very well until I get a date because all of the girls are waiting for me to ask them out."

"Who are you going to ask?" Liam raised his eyebrows at me.

My face turned red. Almost everyone knew about my rejection from Bella. I didn't have a back up plan because I was almost positive she would accept. I shrugged as nonchalantly as possible. "I don't know. Maybe Sienna."

"Come on, bro, I was going to ask her."

"Well maybe if Bella said yes you could have her." I grunted as I took of my football jersey and started to dismantle my padding.

"How could she have said no?" Troy chimed in. "I mean, you're Gavin Hunter. Taylor Swift would go to prom with you."

I sighed and shrugged.

My confidence had taken a bad beating after Bella had rejected me. I felt like this giant, ugly piece of flesh. Was I even appealing anymore? Was Bella a sign that I should work out more? Up my charm?

"Seriously, Gav, you think that low of yourself?" Liam said, as if reading my mind.

"I mean, what's not to love about me, right?" I wasn't very convincing.

"First of all, you're more attractive than Ryan Reynolds."

"Yeah, it's a total turn on for chicks. The hair, the abs." Troy added. I lifted up my undershirt and inspected my six pack. Maybe I should shoot for an eight pack.

"Secondly, you're more charming than a prince."

"You can make any girl fall in love in an instant." Troy said. "Well, except Bella."

"Lastly, you're rich! If all else fails, buy your way into their hearts." Maybe I shouldn't have turned down Bella's offer to help find her dad. Maybe I could've funded her search.

"Bella is an idiot for saying no. She is going to regret it someday when she realizes she didn't get a date with Gavin freaking Hunter."

I rolled my eyes. "Nice job trying to cheer me up, guys." I slipped on a t shirt and gym shorts before slinging my gym bag over my shoulder and walking out, still single, and still discouraged.

Sienna, Stella, and Serena were still dressed in their cheerleader outfits, chatting on the bench. When they saw me coming they immediately got up and rushed over.

"You did really good today." Serena giggled.

"Yeah, really good." Stella added.

"So have you decided who you're going to take to prom yet?" Sienna asked, her blue eyes blinking at me excitedly.

Maybe the guys couldn't convince me I was a handsome, charming, and rich man, but the ladies definitely could.

How could Bella resist me? Maybe she was caught up in the moment. Maybe she didn't want to go to prom. Maybe I needed to take a different approach.

"Yes," I said proudly. "Yes I have."


Bella's POV

"Duh, World War Two." I said, motioning for Dusty to get the next flash card.

"How do you know all of this?" She said, eyebrows furrowed. "We just got the notes three days ago."

The Urban Princesses: BelleWhere stories live. Discover now