Chapter 17

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Bella's POV

His eyes.

The eyes I always thought were so intimidating and hard, now soft and kind.

As we swayed along to the music, I got lost in his eyes.

I watched as he swallowed hard, then leaned down, his lips inches from mine.

Then my phone rang.

Way to ruin the moment.

I slipped my hand into the tiny pocket in my dress and pulled it out to decline the call when I saw that it was papa.

"I'm sorry, it's my dad, I really have to take this."

"No problem." He looked remorseful and I felt so bad, but I really had to talk to papa.

I went in the hall where it was quieter and answered. "Papa? Where are you? Are you ok?"

"Bella, my baby girl, it's so good to hear your voice."

I almost cried. "Papa, what happened to you? I thought you were dead-"

"All in time, dear, it's a long story. Where are you?"

Adam rushed out into the hall, mouthing to me "Is he ok?"

I nodded. "I'm actually at prom right now."

He sounded deflated. "Have fun. I can talk to you later-"

"No. I want to see you. You don't know how hard it has been for me. I'll be home in ten minutes." I hung up and turned to Adam. "He's home. Finally." I refrained myself from jumping up and down and squealing.

"That's great, after so long it's good he got home." He looked happy for me but I felt like he was still sad. "You should go home, go see him."

I would. I wouldn't care if I was vacationing in the Bahamas I would go to him immediately, but now it was different. Now there was Adam. Now he was almost equivalent to my father as far as priorities went. I only had one prom, I could see papa after. But after three weeks I couldn't bear not to be without him another moment.

"Are you sure? Because we could finish this dance-"

"No." He came over and took my hands in his. "You need to go home. Don't worry about me."

I smiled in appreciation. "I'll try to come back-"

He waved my concerns away. "Don't worry about it. But one last thing before you go," he took a petal from the rose on his corsage and scribbled something on it. "Call me later."

I blushed deeply. "Will do. Thank you again, so much. I had a more than amazing time."

He smiled. "Now go get your dad."

"Papa?" My words echoed through the house and for a moment, I thought somebody had pulled a mean joke on me, then I heard the comforting sound of metal clinking on metal and rushed into the living room to found my father hunched over the coffee table, tinkering with his tools.

The Urban Princesses: BelleWhere stories live. Discover now