Chapter 10

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I felt like I was going to explode.

This decision was wreaking havoc in my brain. I was torn between good for me and good for Papa, if he was even still alive. The cab driver wasn't helping either. In fact, I don't even think he spoke English.

I didn't dare ask Dusty for advice because then she would ask Louie and Louie would tell Adam and if Adam found out what I was trying to decide then all of the tables would turn.

I stare at Adam's big front doors, not willing to get out of the still running cab. I can tell Juan wanted me to get out of his cab so he could leave, but I was frozen.

Frozen in doubt.

Frozen in fear.

Either way, I would have to get out of the car.

So I paid and walked up to the door, finding it unlocked and pushing it open.

"Adam? Are you home?" My voice echoed through the empty house.

I felt slightly relived that no one answered. Maybe this meant I should think about this more then decide-

"I have football practice in half an hour so lets make this quick." Adam came down the stairs wearing only a pair of gym shorts, leaving my mouth gaping open at his stunning six pack. I quickly lifted my gaze to his to face to make it seem like I wasn't staring. And looking into those icy blue eyes, I had made my decision.

"Adam, I'm not here to do your homework." I crossed my arms. "I can't do this anymore."

His eyes filled with fear, shock and anger. "We had a deal!"

"Treating me like your homework robot was not apart of the deal!" I snapped.

He scoffed. "Fine. But you're never seeing your dad's invention again. You were always a handful anyway." He scoffed. I could tell he felt remorseful about this loss already. I kind of did too.

I felt tears stinging my eyes as I walked out the front door.

That was over with.

I called the cab service again as I began to walk home. I wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.

I was probably walking for about two minutes, the cab still not here, when a car rolled up next to me.

"Need a ride, sugar?" A male voice asked from inside.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, my heart racing as I picked up my pace, even though it wouldn't do much against a car.

"I'm friendly. Why don't you hop on in?"

My palms were sweating along with the back of my neck.

"No? Well, I guess I will just have to help you out then." The car stopped and three teenage boys came out, making me let out a small shriek.

I ran.

I heard the boys chortle from behind me and sprint to catch up with me. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I frantically looked around the empty road.



I was all alone.

I didn't see a bump in the sidewalk until after I was tripping over it, skinning my hands on the sidewalk as I caught myself.

I turned around to find the boys hovering over me, evil grins on their faces.

"Whats in the bag?" One asked.

I quickly took off my small crossbody and threw it at their feet. "P-Please, take whatever you want. I don't want any trouble." The only thing I wanted to keep at the moment was my life.

"See, baby, there is one problem with that. You are going to go running to your boyfriend and tell him exactly what happened and what our handsome faces look like. Then he will go and tell Officer Friendly who won't be so friendly to us." A knife glinted from the first boy's hand and I suppressed a sob.

I was going to die. This was it. Papa had always said I was a good girl. I never did any wrong to anyone. Why was my life being cut short so early? Was this karma for leaving Adam? Some pretty harsh karma for a little sin like that.

One of the boys was rummaging through my bag as the one with the knife slowly advanced at me, the last boy about to grab me to keep me from running. I held my arms up in defense, squeezing my eyes shut and waiting for the blow.

But it never came.

I heard a few startled cries from the boys and a few grunts, along with the sounds of a blade clattering and fists hitting skin.

I look up to find all three boys running away from me, my bag sitting at my own feet. I do what I probably should've done when they first pulled up and grabbed my phone out of my bag, dialing nine one one.

"Are you ok?" A familiar voice asks.

I look up and swallow a lump in my throat as I see Adam, who is breathing heavily, now fully clothed.

"Y-Yeah." I say shakily.

He groans and falls to the ground clutching his arm. I see crimson blood seeping out from behind his hand.

"You're bleeding." I say blankly, still in shock.

"Thats what happens when you get stabbed." He answers back nonchalantly.

I help him up and he leads me to his BMW, which is lazily parked on the side of the road. His arm looks too wounded to work the steering wheel so I slide into the front seat, making the short drive back to his house.

Adam's face was terribly pale. I looked down at his hand which was now covered in thick red blood.

I helped him into the kitchen and sat him down, finding a first aid kit and quickly unpacking it to treat him.

"This might sting a little." I warned as I wet a cloth with rubbing alcohol.

He scoffed. "I've taken hits from three hundred pound linebackers-" He was cut off by his own pained scream and I cringed as I cleaned the rest of his nasty nine inch long, quarter inch deep cut.

"Sting a little?! That felt like acid being poured on my arm!" He yelled.

"You've got a nasty gash." I said as I inspected his arm. "What did you expect it to feel like?" I finished by wrapping his forearm in gauze tightly. "Fortunately, I don't think it needs stitches. But go easy on it for a while, ok?"

He nodded. "Where did you learn all this medical stuff?"

"For starters, I pay attention in health and home ec." I raised my eyebrows at him as I cleaned off my own scraped, dirty, and bloody hands.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Are you sure you're ok? Did they take anything?" His walls were down, defenses pulled back, he was soft and vulnerable. But why?

"Yes, I'm fine." I wrapped up the remaining gauze. "I have everything."

"Good." He breathed.

"Why did you save me?" I asked, still baffled by why he did such an outlandish action for me.

"I didn't save you, I helped you. Big difference." He scoffed. His walls were back up again. "And I thought maybe you would consider tutoring me again if I did."

I sighed. I owed Adam everything. He saved my life. What harm could  few weeks of tutoring do?

"Ok. Lets get started."


I'm on a roll with these Arrow references hehe :)

Open for suggestions for the next Urban Princess book! My rule is first come first serve so make sure you hurry and suggest!

Next update: Monday

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