Chapter 4

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Maurice's POV

Three days, then I can see my darling Bella again.

I really don't know what I'd do without her, maybe go mad, drown myself in machine parts. When her momma died, I didn't know how I was going to raise her, I always thought she would be the town crazy like me, but she raised herself, and me.

Three days, I can survive three days without her.

I bump along the quiet night street in my old BMW, this is the only thing I wouldn't let Bella change, even though it had its extensive problems. She used to always convince me to turn it in and get a new car or at least go to a mechanic to get it really fixed, instead of my easy fix ups.

I should've listened to her.

Not even ten minutes into my journey, I heard a loud sputter, then the screech of metal on metal, then I stopped. I cursed under my breath and pulled my tool belt from the backseat, popping the hood so I can investigate.

"Of course, the engine is busted." I murmured to myself. This was unfixable. My car was dead for good.

I take my BF524 (Bella French, May 24, I named a machine after her) simulator and shove it into my briefcase, sling my jacket over my shoulder, then start to walk back.

I was going to have to walk home and tell Bella that my car broke down. There was always next year's convention. I could imagine her expression already, her pretty blue eyes filling up with tears, a disappointed look on her face. I hated seeing her like that. I had to turn around and do this, for her. I couldn't give up, Bella wouldn't give up.

So I turned around, and walked the other way.

Maybe I would stumble across a car rental, or somebody could pick me up and drive me there.

I walk for about five minutes before I start to get extremely fatigued. It's cold, the BF524 and its charging are weighing down on my back, and it started raining.

Suddenly, a car drives up behind me.

"Need a ride?" I hear a young male voice asked.

"Yes. Yes I really do-" but before I can finish, three more boys are jumping out of the car and ripping my bag away from me. I try to fight back but I'm too slow and one sends a punch to my stomach, sending me rolling down a muddy hill.

I just got robbed, now I have nothing left. Even worse, the BF524 is gone. Even if I did manage somehow to make it to the convention, I would have nothing to present. Seeing Bella's forlorn face was inevitable.

I groaned and rolled over, which was a big mistake, my face plopped in a pile of mud. I wiped it off and squinted at my surroundings, which consisted of mostly trees, but to my left was a large house made out of stone a few windows lit. I figure this is my best chance of getting home, or at least getting cleaned up first. Maybe I could stay the night until I got back onto my feet.

I stumbled towards the home and was greeted by two massive wooden doors. I rapped on the thick door a few times, hoping someone heard me. No answer. I start to walk away when the door opens and a tall teenage boy with shoulder length hair answers.

"What do you want?" He spat.

"Please, I was attacked by thieves and my car broke down and I just need to use a phone or-"

"Sorry, stranger danger," he snickered, then closed the door.

I guess he wasn't wrong, but that didn't mean I was going to give up. I knocked again.

"Dude, I told you to buzz off-"

"Maybe you know my daughter-"

"Get off my property!" He pointed a finger angrily to his left. "Do you speak English?!"

"P-please. Just a phone." I beg.

He scoffs and slams the door in my face.

I felt even more lost than before. What was I going to do? I could die out here!

So I did the only option I had.

I walked.


Bella's POV

"Thank you. Please let me know if you hear from him." I hang up my phone and sigh. I shouldn't be worried. He said three days, it's been less than twenty four hours since he left. He probably isn't answering his phone because it died or he is having invention problems, I shouldn't worry.

"Hey, Bella, what's up?" Dusty sits down across from me at our empty lunch table.

I try to choke back tears. "My dad hasn't been answering his phone. I'm worried about him."

She rolled her eyes. "He'll be fine. You know who won't be? Gavin." She gestured with her eyes over to the angry/sad looking Gavin leaning against a vending machine, girls poring over him. He seemed to be simply ignoring them as they kissed his arms and twirled his dark hair in their fingers.

Then an idea struck me. Maybe Gavin would help.

I got up and walked over. His gloomy mood immediately changed to a bright smile and the girls sighed.

"Hey, Bella." I was surprised he wasn't still mad at me for rejecting him.

"Gavin, I was wondering if you could help me with something." I bit my lip, unsure of what his reaction would be.

Suddenly, he threw his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, sending the girls scattering and crying.

"I'd be glad to teach you how to kiss." He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, moving in closer to me. I immediately pushed his face away and detached myself from his grasp.

"No, actually, I was wondering if you would-"

"Of course I'll go on a date with you."

"Gavin, let me finish."

"Go to prom with me? I knew you'd come around."

"Gavin! Will you please help me find my dad. He hasn't called and I'm worried."

He frowned. "That old crackpot?" He scoffed. "I think he's better off not found."

I fight back tears. "He's my dad-"

"Listen, he probably just got caught up fixing somebody's radiator because it's the only thing he knows how to do. Don't worry about it." He patted my head like I was a dog and walked off with his posse of cheerleaders. I rolled my eyes. And he wonders why I don't want to go to prom with him.

"So?" Dusty asked when I sat down again.

I shook my head. "Jerk."

"Sorry, Bella, I'll let you know if I hear anything." And with that, she left.

I buried my head in my hands and tried to fight back tears.

I guess I had to find him myself.

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