Chapter 14

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Adam's POV

Those eyes.

That hair.

Those lips.

What was happening to me? Why was she making herself so attractive now? Maybe the question was, why was I finding her so attractive now?

This wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to find myself actually wanting someone, opening up to someone. It was ridiculous how every time I saw her my insides turned to jelly and I felt so..... Vulnerable. In that way, she turned me on and turned me off. I didn't like this vulnerable side to me, I didn't like feeling this. In football, you can't have vulnerability, if you do, you lose the game. You have to be strong and built up, and around Bella, I didn't feel strong.

I felt weak.

I felt weak and powerless to some kind of force she was using on me.

"Sit up straight, you look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame." Bella giggled.

I tried to hide my blush as I sat up in my chair, eating another bite of pizza. "Sorry, I'm not used to eating with other people. Occasionally when Mrs. Potter is here she will eat with me but she never says anything." I knew why, because she was afraid of me. All of the housekeepers here are. They think I'm some kind of a monster.

"That's sad." Bella looked down sadly into her pizza. "Anyway," she sighed, killing this moment of longing I had. "We should go over this so we have more time for global."

I groaned. If there was one subject I hated over all of the rest, it was global. Why do we need to even know history anyway? "What era are we on now?"

"World War two." She replied. "You filled out that worksheet for me, right?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Uhhhh...." I looked around nervously, thinking of an excuse. Bella didn't get very mad when I didn't do assignments for her, but I didn't like seeing her disappointed. Luckily, I came up with an excuse at the last second. "Actually, I thought I might show you."

She looked confused.

I grinned as the plan formulated in my mind.

For the first time, I was the one saying, "Let's get started."

"Adam, I really don't understand the point of this." Bella said as she walked out into my spacious backyard with goggles and my oversized football padding on her. Needless to say, she looked like a total nerd. A cute nerd though.

"That worksheet was on war strategies, right?"

Bella nodded, still confused.

"Well, what strategy would you use while fighting the war? I think that helps us understand the tough decisions world leaders had to make."

"Adam, I still don't understand what all of this is about-"

I pulled my Nerf gun from out behind my back and aimed right for her head, shooting a foam bullet at her goggles, the suction cup sticking to the plastic.

"My strategy, aim for their nerve system. Shut down their power."

"D-Did you just shoot me?" She said, eyes wide in surprise.

I nodded as I pulled another Nerf gun out and tossed it to her. "Catch me if you can!." I bolted towards the pool and found a nice big oak tree to hide behind while I reloaded.

"Adam, can we please just go inside and work?" Bella begged.

"Come on, we have been doing it your way for the past three weeks, it's my turn to teach you-" I didn't get to finish because foam bullets were pinging off my body.

"Guerrilla warfare." Bella breathed, reloading her gun. "Element of surprise." Then she ran off in the other direction.

"You're getting the hang of it!" I said as I bolted after her, shooting more bullets in the back of her head. She turned around to face me and staggered up against the fence, dazed from her recent attack, reloading her own gun. "Hit them a lot in their nerve system, they will be too weak and dazed to get themselves back together." All of the tactics I was using were tactics I used in football. For example, tire out the quarterback and the whole team crumbles.

I was about to shoot her again; just for the fun of it, when she open fired all over my body, my head, my chest, my legs, my arms, each bullet stung as it made contact with my skin.

"Hit them everywhere and they have no way of fighting back." Bella smiled proudly, thinking she had won as she lifted her gun to make one last kill shot, but as she pulled the trigger, only a light click could be heard from the weapon. She looked into the barrel of her gun in confusion as she realized she had none left.

"Cut off all of their resources." I noticed Bella looking around for a way to escape, for she had no bullets and was cornered. I smirked at her and expected her to give up, when she said one word.

"Improvise." Suddenly, her gun was flying at my hand which caused me to drop my own gun and cradle my throbbing hand. She made a mad dash towards my gun, scooping it up and pointing it at my chest.

"Hit them where it really hurts," she breathed heavily. Her warm hand pressed against my heart, making it beat a million miles faster. "Their heart."

Here I was again, vulnerable. Bella was always a step ahead, she really did know how to hit me, and how to hit me hard.

She removed her hand from my chest and took a step forward to shoot me, but she tripped over her own gun on the ground and came toppling onto me, sending me falling to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, are you ok?" She said, her warm breath fanning my face.

I looked up into her gorgeous brown eyes, a little strip of chocolate hair falling out of her ponytail, the sun casting a perfect shadow on her face. Beautiful.

"Better than a dog in a squirrel park." I breathed.

Now would be a perfect moment. She's tired, I'm tired, it would be a great time to strike, to pop the question. Gavin hadn't given me much help. He just kind of grunted and walked away. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, so I was on my own. It's now or never. "Were you planning on going to prom?"

Something was in her eyes I couldn't quite place. It was either fear, excitement, or despair, I wasn't sure which. "No."

My heart sank. "Oh, because I was just wondering if you wanted to go with me-"

"Yes." She breathed. "Yes I'll go with you."

My heart crept into my throat. I wasn't actually expecting her to say yes. "Ok."

"Ok cool."

I guess I was going to prom with the most beautiful girl on this planet.


Yay this chapter was actually over 1000 words and probably the longest chapter yet even though it was still pretty short lol.

Cray cray chapter and y'all know stuff is bout to go down at prom.

Comment what you thought! Next chapter will be Monday!

Love you lots,


The Urban Princesses: BelleWhere stories live. Discover now