Chapter 3

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Adrenaline pumps through my veins. What did I learn about being kidnapped. Scream as loud as you can? Hit you captor with your elbows? Try to make the driver crash?

"Sorry, did I scare you?" I feel arms release me and I shrink against the door, trying to open the door. Duh, it's locked. My vision adjusts in the dimly lit car, which now that I look at it is a limo, and see Gavin sitting across from me.

Gavin. Even worse than being kidnapped.

"D-did you just kidnap me?" I stutter.

A hurt look crosses his face. "No! I helped you into a limo like a gentleman."

"Gavin, let me out."

"Please just let me take you to this amazing place. It will only be ten minutes. Sparkling cider?" He offered.

I sulk in the car the whole three minute ride. Gavin keeps sliding closer to me and I move away. At least now I had a reason to stay away from him after he kidnapped me.

"Come on, Bella, I can't smell that bad." He sniffs his shoulder self conciously then grins. I scoff.

We come to a stop in the town square.

"I've been here before and the only amazing thing about it is the library." I say.

He helps me out of the limo and I have to squint at the sudden change in lighting.

All of a sudden, I hear a band begin to play. The school marching band processes out from behind a boutique, accompanied by the cheerleading squad, along with an array of Gavin's goons, all shirtless with random letters painted on their chests in big blue letters, they looked like human alphabet soup. The boys arranged themselves so their chests spelled out, BELLA, WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH GAIVN? The boy with the a V on his chest quickly changed places with I, all of them grinning wildly. The marching band started playing the Jeopardy music.

"Blue is your favorite color, right?" Gavin was grinning widely. "So? What do you say?"

I could not believe it. What do I say? He went through all of this trouble just to ask me to prom, I would just being selfish if I declined. What do I say? Can't I give the poor kid a break and give him what he wants. Maybe he will stop obsessing over me once he realizes I'm not his type and he can move onto the next pretty girl.

"This is all very sweet and considerate...." Everybody is staring at me with excited faces, even some of the passerbyers. "But I'm going to have to decline." I wasn't even sure if I wanted to go to prom anyway.

Everybody heaves a sigh. The boys put their shirts back on, the cheerleaders mutter things about their dates not putting this much effort in and wanting to go home, and the marching band plays one last number of "Shake it Off", marching away.

"Why not?" Gavin asks, his blue eyes watery and angry.

"Gavin, I would love to go with you but I'm just not a prom kind of person. Any other girl in the grade will go with you," I place a hand on his meaty arm. "I'm sure of it." I give him a weak smile before starting back home.

"No, no, no, no!" Gavin runs up to walk next to me. "I can see it already, you in a stunning red dress, a matching rose in my chest pocket. All of the girls will be crying because they are jealous. We kiss during our slow dance then later you come back to my house and-"

"Gavin," I cut him off. "You're just going to have to plan that fantasy with another girl." I leave him standing there, coping with his first rejection.


"There was a marching band?"

"And cheerleaders."

"What did you say?"

I sighed and flopped onto my bed, pressing my phone between my shoulder and cheek. "I let him down easy. I don't think I want to go to prom."

"Bella!" Dusty scolded. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you. You turned down the hottest guy in school! You aren't going to prom! You like to read!"

"Sorry, Dusty, my dad is calling me." I quickly press end call before she can scold me even more.

"Bella! I'm gonna get going!" I hear my dad actually call.

I shuffle into the living room and towards the door. My dad is wearing a wrinkled button down white shirt and dress pants. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows.

"Tuck in your shirt, I'll be right back." I head into his room and rummage through his drawers and closer to try to find a tie, but it doesn't look like he has one. I finally find a black and white striped tie wedged under a pile of gears under his bed and smooth it out, doing nothing to the horrid wrinkles. I take it back out to him and tie it around his neck, through the loop, finally tightening it around his neck.

"There," I comb his white hair to the side with my fingers. "Now you look like a real entrepreneur."

He smiled widely and pulled me into a hug. I breathed in his strong scent of machine oil and gag a little, going into my room to find a cologne sampler from my magazine and run it on his neck. "Now you smell like a real entrepreneur. Shoulders back, chin up, back straight. Now you act like an entrepreneur." I smiled.

He chuckled. "Oh, Bella, you keep me sharp. Just like your mother. I love you, I'll be home in a few days."

"Bye, papa." I smile at him and watch as he heads to the elevator, giving me one last excited wave before going downstairs.

For some reason, I had an odd feeling I wouldn't be seeing him in a while.


I felt like I needed to spice up the story a bit, sorry if the kidnapping part was a little crazy xD

Tell me how you like the story so far! If I get five votes or ten comments I'll update early!

See you Thursday,


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