Chapter 9

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"Then he kissed me."

"Was it magical?! Did angels come down from heaven and sing?! Some girls said that's happened before." Dusty said excitedly.

"No," I wrinkled my nose. "It was gross. I kept trying to pull away but he held on and tried to get his tongue in my mouth." I shivered. I thought Gavin had actually changed and wanted to take it slow, that is where I was wrong.

Dusty frowned. "So no prom then?"

I shook my head. "That's an absolute no."

I caught a glimpse of a buff figure striding over to me and took a hard swallow.

"Can I help you?" I looked up at Adam timidly, his fierce blue eyes staring me down.

"Um, Bella, I was wondering if-"

"You're doing it wrong!" Louie grumbled, coming out from behind Adam. "You need to say it with a little more confidence!"

"What exactly is he asking?" I interjected.

"Will you freaking eat lunch with me so you can help me with my math homework?!" Adam blurts out.

"Well you could be a little nicer about it." Louie and I say at the same time.

"I can't do this." Adam grumbles as he stomps back over to his table.

Louie winks at Dusty before casting me a smile. "Don't mind him, Cherie, but would you mind-"

"No. Not if he is going to be a crybaby the whole time." I crossed my arms.

He slid into the seat next to me. "Come on, Bella, you don't know how hard this is for him."

"I simply don't want to sit with him. Dusty doesn't want to be lonely."

Dusty opened her mouth to protest but I shot daggers at her with my eyes to shut her up.

"Please, Bella," Louie begged. "You'll have me, it won't be so bad." He grinned. A thought seemed to come to him and he snapped his fingers. "One second." He held up a finger as he sauntered into the lunch line.

"I really wanted to sit with him." Dusty grumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "You'll be ok."

Suddenly, Colin appeared and was cleaning my lunch up into a nice pile.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Don't eat anymore, you'll want more room for what Louie is bringing." He smiled.

Louie came back a minute later with a bowl of soup.

"Lou, I have a lunch you know." I said.

"Just try." He put it fancily in front of me. "It's the best thing you'll ever taste."

I wasn't going to protest. I'm not sure what this was going to do to make me sit with Adam.

I took a sip and sweet baby Jesus, it really was one of the best things I've ever tasted. I let out a moan of pleasure. "Where did you get this?" I had tried almost everything in that lunch line, this was never there.

The Urban Princesses: BelleWhere stories live. Discover now