Chapter 11

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"I hate triangles."

"I don't think I've ever met anybody that was fond of trigonometry, but it doesn't mean that you can't do it."

Adam groaned. "Can we please take a break?" He begged.

"Just answer this problem. Please."

He rolled his eyes and started scribbling on the paper, the soft scraping of led was the only thing that could be heard in the silent house.

"Happy?" He pushed the paper towards me.

I inspected his work and nodded. "Nicely done. I think you're finally getting it."

"Thank god." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Now, I have to go take a leak." He pushed his stool out lazily and hurried to the bathroom.

I had been teaching him trig for a week and he was just now getting it. If this was how all of his subjects would go, there was no way we were going to finish by the end of the year.

"Ok. What's next on your torture list?" He slid back into his chair.

"English." I smiled. "My favorite."

His face turned white. "I thought we were doing biology."

"I think we can take a little break from the math and science category for a while," Even I was sick of it. "What's wrong with English?"

"N-Nothing." He said nervously. "It's fine."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

He swallowed. "Yeah, let's just get this over with."

Something was definitely up, but I wasn't going to press, he wouldn't tell me anyway.

"Ok, so you obviously didn't read the required reading so," I slid the book we were doing the project on towards him. "Chapter 2, read it, then analyze the characters and their personalities, appearances, and ties to each other. It will help you understand the book better."

"Sounds like a lot." He grumbled as he flipped the book open. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his blue eyes moved across the page. He suddenly threw the book onto the table. "This is insane. Nothing makes sense!"

"You just started reading it. You couldn't have made it much past the second setence. It's not going to make sense unless you read the entire chapter."

He rolled his eyes. "Seems like a lot of work."

"Adam, I need to know what the real issue is." I crossed my arms. "Help me help you."

He scowled. "Don't say it like that, you make me sound like a drug addict or something." He dropped his head and mumbled something I couldn't hear.


"I said," he took a deep, exasperated breath. "I have dyslexia."

My heart sank. No wonder the poor kid couldn't get his grades up. "Adam, I-"

"I don't want a pity party. I don't need it. I've scolded myself for it already-"

"Adam, you can't scold yourself for something like that. It's not like you cast it upon yourself."

"Yeah, but I'm eighteen and never even tried to make it better. Look where I am now."

This just made me even more determined to help him. None of this was his fault. His parents were the ones to blame. It wasn't his fault that they never got help for him. Kids who have parents that own big companies always get neglected, at least, the ones I knew. "I'm here to help you get better. It's never too late. Now," I pushed the book towards him. "Try again. Try it slower. Reread to yourself what you're reading so you can understand it. Then write it down. Ok?" Dyslexia means I have to take a much different approach.

He nodded as he got to work. I mentally took a sigh of relief. He was listening to me. He wasn't blocking me out. He wanted me to help him. Now that I knew everything I needed to know, this should be a breeze.

Now only if I could find Papa.


Gavin's POV

"I've tried everything! I've taken it slow, I've offered to help her with her dad, I even kissed her! Nothing is working!" I yelled angrily as I kicked the football forcefully into the field goal.

"Give her some time, Gav." Liam said.

I grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him a few feet off the ground. Puny kid. "I've given her time! How much more time does she need to realize that I'm the full package?!"

"Maybe," he squeaked. "You could wait until she is done grieving her dad and until he gets back. S-She's worked up with feelings about his disappearance."

I dropped him angrily, raking my fingers through my thick hair. "He's probably dead. He's been missing for weeks. She's never going to find him."

"Ok, well, um, maybe there is someone else."

My face got hot. "W-What? You think there is someone better than me?" I took an angry step towards him and he flinched.

"Maybe there is someone helping her grieve. Maybe it's a nerd she likes. I don't know!" He threw his hands in the hair nervously. "I don't know! I'm just guessing!"

"And who would this person be?" I inquired.

"We will have to find him, won't we?"

I had a vengeance, a fire, that couldn't be extinguished. Not until Bella was mine and only mine and all she saw was me. All she worshipped was me.

So I guess I'll have to find this boy to fulfill this goal.


Sorry it was such a short chapter! I think it was eventful though ;) I have a lot planned for next chapter.

If you haven't read The Urban Princesses: Mulan yet, PLEASE DO!!! And vote/comment while you're at it xD I'm trying to make it to 10K reads! We are almost there! If you have read it, spread the word!

I hope yall can survive until Thursday! (Votes and comments motivate me so if I get at least seven votes and/or seven comments I'll update Wednesday or Tuesday instead ;)

Adios mis amigos,


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