Chapter 7

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"Thanks for driving me." I sighed. "I wouldn't want to be robbed."

"No problem." Louie said, pulling his car into Adam's extensive driveway. "Me and Adam were going to play Call of Duty anyway." That sounds smart, let an already violent boy play violent video games.

I quickly change the subject. "How was your date with Dusty last night?"

I could tell he was trying to act cool about it, but was failing miserably. "Cool. Yeah, she's cool." The light dancing in his eyes made me think that it was more than cool. "Come on, don't want to keep Adam waiting."

We got out of his beat up Subaru and up to the front door, which Louie picked the lock to.

"Adam doesn't like when I ring the doorbell, he says it interrupts his zen." He must be pretty zen to let Louie pick the lock on the door rather than answer it for him. But I think by zen he meant lazy.

He opened the door. "After you, Milady."

I smiled as I stepped inside. Nothing had changed since I was last here. Silent, lonely, depressing.

I heard large footsteps come down the grand wooden stairs. "I said one thirty, it's one forty five." Was he talking to me?

I crossed my arms. "Sorry I'm wasting your precious time." I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with. I have some butt to kick." He looked over at Louie who was cracking his knuckles.

Louie grinned. "Just admit it, you can't beat the champion."

He scoffed. "My zen was off."

"Ok, so where should we work?" I quickly interject.

He sighed as he stepped off the last stair and sat on a small table next to the banister. "I don't care. You can go anywhere in my house, I really don't care," So I guess that rules out being a psycho killer. "Except my room. That's an absolute no."

Understandable. I probably wouldn't want him in my room either. "Deal."

"Come on, Lou." Adam said, bounding up the stairs two at a time, Louie following after him.

"What about me?" I cut in.

He turned around and stared at me. "Hurry up on the project."

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at him which didn't seem to change anything.

"Stuff is in the kitchen now hurry up! We'll be in the man cave."

As the walked up the rest of the steps, I heard Louie mutter to Adam, "That's no way to talk to a lady. I swear if you ever want to..." I didn't hear the rest he said because they turned the corner

I sighed as I found my way into the kitchen, where a brand new laptop, posterboard supplies, and a brand new copy of the book waited for me.

I did the only thing I knew to do, I started working.

I don't know how long I was working, maybe half an hour, when somebody came into the kitchen. It didn't sound like Adam, their footsteps weren't very heavy.

Apparently they saw me before I saw them.

"Intruder!" A low female voice whispered, obviously trying  not to catch my attention, but failing.

I turned around and came face to face with a large women with broad shoulders. She had short, curly blond hair and red lips which caught me off guard with her big figure. She was wearing bell bottom blue jeans and a fluffy white blouse.

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