Chapter 15

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Bella's POV

"Then he leaned over and kissed me under the stars and it was the most romantic thing I had ever experienced." Dusty was out of breath when she finished. "All I know, is prom is going to be amazing." She sighed. "Too bad you won't be going...."

I blushed. "Actually...."

Her eyes lit up. "Oh my god! I can't believe it! I knew you would give into Gavin at some point-"

"I'm not going with Gavin."

He smile disappeared. "What?"

"Somebody else asked me." I sipped my coffee.

"Who?" She looked really confused. "Who could be better than Gavin?"

I swallowed hard before answering, "Adam."

She almost dropped her coffee. "Adam. Adam Buford. The one who you tutor. The one who is, and I quote, 'Completely insane'."

"Dusty, he is really not that bad-"

"Bella, this is insane! You can't go with him! Do you know how many people will talk? Rumors will start, poor Gavin might cry himself to sleep-"

"Poor Gavin?" I scoffed. "Poor Gavin?! Poor Gavin, the guy who gets everything he wants, the guy who could bathe in gold if he wanted to, the guy who thinks the world revolves around him? Everyone is afraid of Adam, nobody talks to him, not even his parents, so I don't care if people talk, Adam deserves to go to prom."

She put her head in her hands. "Bella..."

"Don't 'Bella' me. Just please accept this? Accept us?" I really wanted Dusty's blessing. I really wanted to go to prom together.

She sighed. "Fine. But if he ends up hurting you, don't say I didn't warn you."

I squealed and hugged her. "Now come on, I have prom dresses to try on."

"You always wear blue."

I spun around in the poofy blue prom dress I had chosen. "I look good in blue."

"How about a change? Be a little daring. After all, you are going to prom with Adam..." Dusty went back into the racks.

"Will you calm down?" I wiggled into the racks with her, sifting through more dresses. "There's nothing between us, he had no one to go with." I was hoping I was wrong. These last few weeks with Adam have made coping with the loss of my dad so much better. I hope Adam and I can be friends beyond this, maybe more than friends. But I don't think he felt the same way. Every time he looked at me, he seemed nervous, scared even.

She smirked at me. "Keep telling yourself that." It's like she read my mind.

The door of the boutique opened and in walked Mrs. Potter and Wanda. Their eyes lit up when they saw me and I greeted them with a smile.

"Bella, dear! What a pleasant surprise!" Mrs. Potter exclaimed as she came over and pulled me into a light embrace.

"Trying on prom dresses?" Wanda wiggled her eyebrows. "We were just coming to buy a corsage for you. Adam is very excited."

I tried to hide my blush but it was impossible. I was glad Adam was excited.

Wanda scanned my body. "Hideous. Absolutely atrocious. Chiffon? You can do much better."

"Somebody who agrees with me." Dusty said.

All three of them got to work looking through dresses while I sat outside the waiting room playing with the pleats in my dress.

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