Chapter 20

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Bella's POV

"They all lived happily ever after, the end." Adam closed the book.

"Happily ever after? The main character is dead." I giggled.

"Well at least her boyfriend learned to conquer his depression. I count that as a happy ending." Adam protested.

"I like that you're a glass half full kind of guy." I said.

"You've helped me be that kind of guy." He grinned and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"You guys are seriously disgusting." Dusty said, her nose scrunched up.

I laughed. "Seriously? You're picking on us for being disgusting when all Louie could do was talk about your fork in French while you giggled and licked your lips."

"It's different." She muttered.

"Don't let them get to you, babe. They're just jealous." Louie kissed Dusty on the forehead.

Today was a beautiful day, sun was shining, birds were chirping, the five of us--Colin included-- were sitting by the football field enjoying ourselves, today was the best day ever.

Until he came over.

"Well well well, what do we have here? The outcasts?" Gavin snickered.

"Nobody needs you here." Adam grumbled, eyes focused on the math homework at hand.

"Just think," Gavin said, ignoring Adam while the rest of his posse came up behind him. "Bella, you could've had so much more. You could've been popular, perfect, like them," he turned and motioned to Sienna, Stella, and Serena who were giggling and fixing their makeup in the back of a truck, boys ogling over them. "Instead you chose this rag tag team of misfits."

Adam immediately stood up and grabbed Gavin's shirt, Gavin smirking at him.

"Adam, stop," I put a hand on his shoulder. "He's not worth it."

"Punch me." Gavin pressed. "Do it. You've got nothing to lose. Mommy and daddy already cut you off." All that did was provoke him and made him grab Gavin a little harder.

"Adam, stop." I put both hands on him now. "He's just trying to get you hurt, don't give in."

It took him a few seconds, but he finally let Gavin go and returned to his seat on the grass next to Colin.

"Leave." I demanded Gavin. "Being a bully isn't going to make me like you."

He rolled his eyes, starting to walk away. "You know you like me." I pitied him, he felt so insecure about himself he just assumed everyone liked him because he didn't like himself. Jerk.

I sat down next to Adam, whose nostrils were flared and was angrily gripping his pencil.

"Don't let him get to you, he wants you to become the person you used to be. If you attack him, you'll lose your job." Recently, Adam had gotten a job as an assistant for one of the most prestigious engineers in the area, it was big for him. The engineer said he was "Full of potential and ideas", I was proud of him. This would only help him pave the way for college and future careers.

"You keep me sane." He chuckled. "It's a good thing you're here, I might attack everyone who bats an eye at me if you weren't here to calm me down."

"As long as you've got my back, I've got yours." We were still working out his little kinks, but I knew he would be ok.

This was my happy ending.


Ta da!

:( I'll miss this story. I think it was one of my best. (Comment what your favorite is, I'll be putting up the stats in the next Urban Princess story (which will be revealed in the epilogue so stay tuned))

Speaking of epilogue, it should be posted on Thursday. I have a field trip that day which probably won't be a very big issue but if for some reason I don't get to it, I'll be updating Saturday at the latest.

Don't forget to comment! And vote! And follow! And maybe if you wanted to be cool message me some thoughts you had on this book. Whatever ;)

Stay fabulous,


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