Chapter 19

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Adam's POV

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. It's fine, we have an extra room anyways. It'll be fun being roommates." She said as she winked at me.

I smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Ok. I'm just worried you'll think I'm a slob."

"Believe me, I've seen you eat, I know that, but I won't judge, I know you can get better."

That's the difference between her and my parents. She actually knows I can get better, whereas they think I'm some delinquent.

It's been a few days since the whole prom debacle. I have been staying in a motel until I can pack up all his things and move into Bella's apartment. My parents had kicked me out and I had nowhere to stay so she offered me a room while I could get on my feet with a job and maybe even go to college. But I was working on passing senior year at the moment.

"Ok, we need to focus. A good resume is the key to getting a job. It's the first thing they look at and the first thing they refer to when deciding. Special talents or skills?"

I shrugged. "Football."

She shrugged and jotted it down. "Past job experiences."

"Uhhhh," I looked down at my hands. "Does plant sitting count?"

"Ok, who did you plant sit for? I can put their name down for a reference."

"I don't think you want to do that."

"Why not?"

"The plant died."

She was smiling at me but I could tell she mentally face palmed herself. "Ok... Onto the next question."

"I'm a football player who murders plants. I'm never going to get hired." I grumbled in frustration.

"Not with an attitude like that. Have a little faith in yourself. Somebody is going to hire you." I really don't know what I would do without her support. She has been the only one who has been making any sort of effort to help me, and that meant a lot.

After half an hour trying to make my profile as attractive as possible, we looked it over.

"I definitely like the part where you threw in that tidbit about me having great strategy tactics." I winked at her, making her laugh thinking of our Nerf gun war in my backyard.

"Ok, now there is only one thing missing, a picture." She said.

"Ok, let's get this over with." I didn't like smiling forcefully, it felt like I was lying. For that reason, I hated pictures. I always looked terrible in them.

Her eyes scanned me up and down. "Not like that you aren't taking a picture."

"Why not?" I tied my hair up into a man bun to keep it out of my face in the picture. I didn't want to look like Cousin It.

"Adam," she sighed. Uh oh, that wasn't a good sign. "Not many managers will want to hire a guy whose hair is longer than most girls' hair."

My mouth dropped open. "You want me to chop of my lovely mane?" I know I didn't look as attractive as I could with long hair, but it kept me warm when I was cold and was easier to style than most guys who spend hours in the morning trying to gel their hair just right.

She laughed. "Maybe just a trim."

I frowned. "Can't I just tie it back for the picture? Nobody will ever know."

"Your employer will when they call you in for an interview."

"Come on, Bella," I groaned. "I like my hair long."

"Look on the bright side, men with short hair take less time to wash their hair and looks more professional, and helps people focus on that handsome face of yours." She pinched my cheek and I blushed. "Come on, short hair will look so much better."

I sighed. If anyone else was trying to get me to cut it, I would say no. But this was Bella. She was just trying to help me. "Ok, fine." I sighed.

A smile grew on her face. "Seriously? I'm so excited!" She threw her arms around my neck in a hug. "I can cut it for you if you want." She looked so excited about it, I couldn't possibly say no.

"Ok," I sighed. "I'm trusting you."

She rushed into her kitchen and grabbed a few towels and newspapers to cover my chest and the ground in for any stray hair. Next came the the comb, and the dreaded scissors. I can't remember the last time I cut my hair.

"Ok, ready?" She asked, her scissors hovering around my glorious man bun.

"Cut it off." I said in a pained voice.

I heard a loud snip and a pressure be if released from my hairline, then heard a small whoosh as the hair hit the newspaper.

Bella started working with the rest of my hair, trimming and combing and parting. In a way, this felt good. This was getting rid of the hairy beast in me and giving me a cleaner, better side. A new life. A new beginning. And Bella was helping me start it.

It took her around ten minutes to finally perfect it, and she showed me myself in a small hand mirror. "What do you think?"

I almost didn't recognize the young man in the mirror. It really did highlight my face and make me look more mature. I would definitely hire me, and not just because I'm biased.

"Wow this is..... Wow." I was speechless as I ran my hand over my short hair. It was all one length and close cropped to my head. Bella had gelled up the front like all the cool, attractive guys do. Does this mean I'm a cool attractive guy now?

"I'm guessing that's a good thing." She giggled, planting a kiss on my cheek and making the skin where her lips touched tingle.

"Thank you." I said, turning my head from side to side to look at all of my new look

"No, thank you. Your hair tickled me when we hugged."

I laughed and pressed my lips against hers gently, my hands moving into the side of her neck as my fingers tickled the sensitive skin there. She pulled away and giggled. God, she was adorable.

She was perfect.


One more chapter :( (Or two depending on what I decide) The point is, it's almost over. This has been one of the best Urban Princess books I've ever written and I'm gonna miss it.

Keep voting and commenting! You can't stop now!

(Update will be Monday and Wednesday at the latest)

Peace out


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