Chapter 12

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Bella's POV

Adam has been working really hard and I'm proud of him.

He hasn't tried to push me away, he is always open to my suggestions, and he has become a bit more relaxed and patient with me. I guess you could say things were finally falling into place.

Except for the fact that my father was still missing.

I've filed police reports, called him everyday, everything has done nothing.

The landlord said our rent was due the other day and my stomach turned when I realized that nobody was earning money so we can survive. Does this mean I have to get a job? Maybe Adam would pay me. Between him and school I don't have much free time.

"I finished that book you asked me to read." Adam said proudly as I set my bag on his counter.

"That's great! You should read this book next," I slid Fever towards him. "I just finished it and I think it will help you with history."

He smiled. "Thanks."

"Now get to work." I reached into my bag to pull out my book when I realized I didn't have one. The library didn't have any new shipments and I was getting tired of reading the same book. I didn't dare go to the bookstore and purchase a book, I needed every penny I had.

So there I sat, watching Adam as he read the first chapter of the story, taking notes, and scrunching his eyebrows in concentration as he worked through the words. He noticed me staring and looked up. "You don't have a book?"

I shook my head, then shrugged. "I've read all of the ones in the library. But it's no big deal, Mr. Brown has already placed another shipment order."

Adam set down his book and pencil. "Come on, I want to show you something." He got up and motioned for me to follow him.

We went up his massive staircase and through a few halls before I found myself standing in a massive office the size of my apartment. A regal wooden desk sat in the center of the room adorned with fancy glass sculptures and a fancy computer. But that wasn't even the best part. My heart fluttered when I took in the beautiful sight of ten foot tall bookcases built into the walls. The books in them looked rather dusty, like they had never been touched, and that made it even more special.

I rushed over to one of the shelves and plucked an interesting looking book from its shelf. "You own all of these?" I asked as I flipped through the book, the pages smelling as if they were brand new.

"Yeah. My mom and dad assumed I would be this genius some day and spent their money on this place," he motioned to the walls around him. He shrugged. "As you can tell I didn't read too many of them, so feel free to take whatever you want."

"Are you sure?" I took in the sight around me. "Your parents won't mind?"

"Nah. They won't even notice they are gone."

"Thank you, Adam," I said, tucking the book under my arm. "It means a lot."

"Come on, we have work to do."

We went back down to the kitchen and I think I got a little too excited when I flipped open the book and started reading, but I couldn't help myself. Every once and awhile, I would look up at Adam and he would either be diligently working, or staring back at me. Not staring at me like I was weird or that book nerd everyone thought of me to be. There was something in his eyes I had never seen before in anyone.

There was something in him I hadn't seen before.


Mrs. Potter's POV

"How does it taste?"

Wanda took a bite of pie and chewed it slowly, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "A dash too much of sugar, dear." She cringed at the sweetness.

I threw my hands in the air then back on my hips. "Last time it wasn't sweet enough, now it's too sweet, I can't keep up with you. Chip thinks it's good." I looked over at Chairlie who had raspberries all over his cheeks, scraping the plate clean.

Wanda waved away my concerns with her hand. "He is a teenager, he will eat anything."

"Then Adam would like it."

She rolled her eyes. "Adam isn't a normal teenager. He's very picky, and I'm not talking about food. I'm honestly surprised that girl lasted a day with him."

"She's a tough one," I sighed, wiping Charlie's face. "Bella isn't willing to give up too easily. I can tell she is a hard worker. That's what he needs, a good role model. His parents are surely not doing that."

"Shh!" Wanda scolded. "They have cameras you know!"

"They do?!" Charlie's eyes widened in horror.

I laughed. "Oh, Chip, what did you do this time?"

His face turned as red as the raspberries. "Adam wouldn't mind if I borrowed one of his games and brought it to our house to play, right?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "As long as you put it back."

"I heard them go upstairs." Wanda said in a low voice, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh stop being such a hover parent, he is probably only giving her a tour or something like that." I could never see Adam having a girlfriend, he could barely keep his wits together around his mom, then again, she was a very intimidating and powerful woman.

"Maybe this girl is it," Wanda said as she sipped her tea. "Maybe this will be the girl to finally break his walls."

I scoffed. "I know this girl is going to change him, I know she is going to help him live up to his parents expectations and lift our curse of the possibility of being given the pink slip, but I don't think she is going to break his emotional barriers."

"Adam has a heart you know." Wanda said in a sing song voice.

I know he did, he just didn't like to use it. Wanda had me thinking, maybe Bella would help him use it. Maybe she would show him how to think with his mind and his heart.

All I knew was that  if she could, she would be the one.


I updated on time! It was kind of a shortie but better than nothing, next chapter will be drama packed. Luckily, I didn't have practice today and found some time to write. I'll try to catch myself up do I don't have to keep you waiting!

Love Ya lots,


P.S. Commenting makes me write more

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