Chapter 31

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                         - In Florida -
        * Makenzie's POV *
when we got to the hotel and all of us were unpacked we decided to go to the beach me and Nash both got our baiting suits on and went down to the
Lobby to meet everyone else.
"What's up bitch!" I yelled at Hannah earning a few stares from old people.
"What up hoe."
"So you guys just call each other awful names and don't care?" Aaron said laughing.
"Yeah that's what best friends do duh." I said.
"Okay. TO THE BEACH!"  Matthew shouted.
We all ran there because it wasn't very far. When we got there, there were beautiful skinny tan girls everywhere making me feel very insecure about myself. I mean yeah I guess I'm pretty tan. But im not skinny or pretty. We started setting up the towels and everything and half of the boys ran to the water.
"COME ON MAKENZIE!" Cam yelled from the water.
"NO IM FINE IM JUST GONNA LAY HERE!" Nash and Hannah were both laying next to me because they didn't want to go with out me.
"Makenzie what's wrong?" Hannah asked.
"Nothing." I lied.
"Makenzie you need to stop lying tell us what's wrong." Nash said sounding serious.
"Look around you Nash look how many people here are stunning! They are tall, tan, skinny, and beautiful. It makes me feel ugly." I frowned.
"Makenzie shut the fuck up your not ugly!" Hannah smacked my arm.
"Babe your not ugly don't even say that. These girls here are nothing compared to you. Stop downing yourself. Be yourself because that's what makes you different and at the end of the day no one can do you better then you can." He smiled warmly.
"Now let's go show these bitches whose boss!" Hannah smirked.
"Fine only cause you scare me." I laughed and ran to the water with them. At first the water was cold but I eventually got used to it.
I saw Nash go under water and he didn't come up then I felt myself being lifted into the air and I was sitting on someone's shoulders.
"Nash put me down!" I said in between laughs.
"What's the magic word?"
"Please." I begged with that he threw me into the water.
When I came up everyone was laughing at me.
"Fuck y'all!" I said laughing.
It started getting dark so we all decided to head back to the hotel.
"RACE YA!" I yelled at Hannah.
She started laughing and we dashed towards the hotel. We both got there at the same time out of breath.
We turned around and saw the boys running towards us. When they finally got here me and Hannah regained our breath and eventually lost it again because we were laughing at the boys who had lost there's.
"Okay im going to take a shower." I said walking towards the elevator.
The boys followed and we all got into the elevator. Johnson started dancing like he was on crack and I was lost.
"Why are you dancing?" I asked clearly confused.
"Wallace do you not hear this sick beat?!" He said referring to the elevator music. I started laughing then the elevator opened.
"Awe man I was enjoying the music." Johnson said. I just laughed and raced Nash to the hotel room I was almost there when he picked me up and put me behind him making him take the lead. When we reached the hotel Nash was out of breath.
"What is it with you and racing?" He gasped
"What is it with you and cheating?" I walked past him and opened the door.
I wasn't really mad but he didn't need to know that.
"Babe are you mad?" I just ignored him fighting back laughing but failed miserably.
"I take that as a no."
"Im getting in the shower so I'll see you in a little bit." I said waving
"Mind if I join you?" He asked biting his bottom lip.
"Perv." I laughed closing the door. While I was in the shower I was shaving and the razor decided to be a dick.
"FUCK!" I screamed in pain seconds later I hear the door burst open.
"What happened?!" Nash almost yelled.
"My razor is a dickhead and decided to cut me." I laughed.
"well me and this razor might need to have a one on one conversation then maybe I can straighten him out."
I just laughed.
He walked back out into the room and I finished up in the shower and wrapped my self up in the towel and grabbed a bandaid then walked back into the room. Nash was laying on the bed.
"You can get im now." With that he walked past me and got in.
I walked over to my suitcase and pulled out some short shorts and a tank top then put them on. I was really tired from the beach so I got in bed and fell asleep.
When I woke up it was 10:30 and I was still tired so I fell back to sleep. Nash started shoving on my shoulder and I woke up. 
"What?" I said covering my head with the pillow.
"Come on we're going to breakfast." I looked at the clock and it was almost 12:30.
"At 12:30?"
"Okay brunch."
I got up and got dressed and we all went to breakfast.
                     - 2 months later -
I had moved in with Nash and cam because they had gotten there own apartment Hannah and Hayes are still going on strong.
Nash and Cameron have been acting different lately though it's starting to worry me but I chose not to say anything because I don't wanna get in the way. But I still wonder.

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