Chapter 36

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Me and Hannah got bored so we decided to go on a walk on the beach we were holding hands and that's what best friends do. The some douche ran by and yelled "LESBIHONEST!" So I picked Hannah's hand up and kissed it. "AT LEAST I CAN GET A GIRL!" I laughed.
We were stopped by a couple of girls wanting to take pictures which me and Hannah happily did.
The sun started setting and my phone buzzed.
Nash💍: hey babe im going to Wendy's want anything?
Me: 10 piece nuggets and a large fry.
Nash💍: okay babe see you at home.
              * Hannah's POV *
As we were walking up the beach to walk back home I saw a face that I thought I was done with in 8th grade Rebbeca hik. Of course she noticed me and Makenzie and started walking over to us.
"I swear if she starts something I will knock her the fuck out." Makenzie whispered.
"Well look who it is DogFace and Walrus." She smirked.
"Your one to talk." Makenzie sasses back.
"Makenzie remember in middle school when we were actually friends. Yeah worst day of my life."
"Remember when you were born? Yeah worst day of everyone's life." Makenzie started getting closer to her and I stayed silent.
"What's wrong Hannah? Nothing to say?"
"You know you have a lot of nerve coming over here knowing I could knock you straight the fuck out right here In front of everybody." Makenzie raised her voice.
"Do it then." Rebbeca  challenged shoving Makenzie's shoulder.
"You little bitch!" Makenzie yelled pouncing on top of her throwing punches showing no mercy.
I tried to pull Makenzie off of her but it didn't work Everyone around us was staring. I saw a familiar car drive by. "Nash!" I yelled thank god he had his windows down. He slammed the breaks and jumped out of the car running down to us. He pulled Makenzie off of Rebecca  and a couple chunks of hair off of her too.
"Now who's got a dog face?!" Makenzie spat.
Her hands were split open and bloody from punching Rebecca  so many times.
"Next time don't try to start shit." I tried to walk away but Rebecca  managed to trip me.
"WHY YOU LITTLE!" Makenzie tried to get out of Nash's arms but didn't work she eventually slid out and pounced back on top of Rebecca .
"MAKENZIE LETS GO NOW!" Nash yelled.  Makenzie stood up and we walked away leaving a beaten up Rebecca on the beach.
                       * Nash's POV *
I was driving home from Wendy's and drove past the beach I had my windows rolled down and let in a breeze I heard a familiar voice call my name. It was Hannah she sounded panicked so I slammed on the breaks and ran down there I got about half way when I saw what was going on Makenzie was beating the living shit out of some girl. I put up a fight but eventually got Makenzie off of her Makenzie had chunks of her hair in her hands.
"Next time done try and start shit." Hannah said she tried to walk past the girl but got tripped.
"WHY YOU LITTLE!" Makenzie put up a really big fight trying to get out of my arms but I wasn't letting her go. Somehow she eventually slipped out and jumped right back on the girl. I knew I couldn't get her off again she pretty much used up all of my strength.
"MAKENZIE LETS GO NOW!" I yelled to be honest I wasn't mad at all I think it's great Makenzie can stick up for her friends. Makenzie eventually got off of her and we all got into my car.
"My knuckles hurt." Makenzie chuckled.
"No shit Sherlock, thanks for sticking up for me though." Hannah said patting Makenzie's shoulder.
"Well let's get you cleaned up and then we can eat." I said.

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