Chapter 2 Turf Time

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I walked up the stairs, each step making a click. I walked in through the doors and waited inside. The doors closed behind me and three screens appeared.

Ranked battle
Turf war
Join friends

Curious I tapped the Join Friends to find Retena was there. Her name was gray and it said 'offline' I tapped ranked battle but it said I must be level ten or higher. I looked around and noticed I was only a level 1. I finally tapped turf war and the lobby disappeared. I could see all the other players I was the lowest of them all. There was a level 9, a level 12, two level 15's, a level 6, a level 17 and a level 20.

We got teleported into the game. The place was called 'Saltspray Rig' The game began and I sprang forward shooting ink everywhere. I hopped off the edge and as I was falling I freaked out at what I'd just done. My teammate swooped in. "What are you doing? Get to inking!" She said through her gas mask. She moved in with a giant paintbrush. Our team was green and their's was pink. I pushed on into their territory and tried to cover their turf when to of them came out of the ink and ambushed me. Panicked, I shot one and luckily a nearby teammate shot the other. I turned and smiled and she waved and covered more ink.

I came to a wall and covered it in ink and climbed up. But unfortunately I got ambushed by two of the other teams players. I quickly threw a bomb right before I poofed and respawned at the beginning. Quickly followed the ink trails my team had made I caught up to the paint brush girl. I saw I line aiming towards my feet. She grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the side. "Get down!" She said before going into squid form. I followed her lead and turned into a squid too. A trail of pink was left where I was standing. "What was THAT?" I asked a little paranoid that it would of hit me. "A sniper. Hurry and spread more ink so I can share your bubbler." She said. Bubbler? I did as she said and my hair started glowing. "Activate it!" She said. "Bubbler activate!" I said. A bubble showed up around her and me. We smiled at each other and headed for the sniper. She swiftly climbed the pipes that lead to the sniper. With 3 swift strikes of her brush the sniper disappeared and we separated and spread more ink.

In the last minute I wandered around spreading ink when I noticed a large pink covered area. I walked cautiously forward spreading ink around where I was walking and was going to walk. Suddenly a boy rose from the ink and stood menacingly over me holding up a giant roller. He seemed to struggle with it since he couldn't bring it down very fast. Taking this chance I began shooting him and hurried out of the way as fast as I could before he could swing it down. It hurt me a lot but as if it wasn't enough he sweeper forward and rolled over me. Even though we respawn it always hurts when you die.

In the last ten seconds I threw as many bombs as possible. The time ended fast and our weapons were emptied as soon as the time ran out. We all teleported back to the spawn point. The girl with a paint brush took off her mask revealing her bright yellow eyes. She looked over at me. I walked over. "For a newbie you're not too shabby." She said grinning at me. "I'm not just a newbie! I'm more than that." I said defensively. "Yeah? What's your rank in Ranked Battles then?" She asked. "Um..." I said. She smiled. "Well, I'll make it to the top." I said. "It's not easy. It took me two months to get where I am now." She said. "And where is where you are now?" I asked. "A level 20 with 3 star clothing items with the best stats you can get." She said. I looked at her. "I'm sure we'll meet again.. "
"Aurelia." I said. "Aurelia. Bubye," she said quitting the game. The results were already up. We had won. I left the game too.
My first Turf War...

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