Meet The Class

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Chapter 2: Meet the class


I followed the others in the large hallway filled with students. Vic and Karen were in front, with Gar and Raven behind them. Last was me and Dick. The students were told to go to the auditorium. It was there where we would meet staffs and get our schedules and other stuff.


I heard someone calling my name. I looked up to see it was Dick. "Is there something wrong, Dick?"

"No. It's just... I hate it when you hang out with, Xavier."

"Dick, we already had this conversation. He's just a friend and he..."

"Yeah, yeah. He saved your life."

It was true, he did save my life. It happened last year. I was walking home and their was this drunk driver. The light had changed, saying it was ok to cross. While I was crossing the car almost hit me, but it didn't. Xavier had been walking near by and pushed me out of the way in time. Ever since that day me and him have been friends. My friends don't him. They say he's a ' bad guy'. That he's a 'gangster'. I know they all care about me, but Xavier is my friend and I don't care what people say about him. It's all just rumors.


"Dick, I really wish you too would get along." I don't know when it happened, but some where along the road, Dick and Xavier formed a rivalry.

"I'm only trying to make sure you don't get hurt."

"I know, Dick. That's why you're my best friend."

I then flashed him one of my famous smiles. Dick has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Somewhere along the road, I developed feelings for him, but I wouldn't dare tell him. I wouldn't want to ruin out friendship. I then heard a voice that I hated. It was the voice of Kitten Moth.

"Dickie-poo, I've missed you!" she yelled while grabbing on to him.

I just wanted to kick her hoe ass, right there and now, but I didn't. Can't start a fight on the first day.

"Kitten...uh, do you mind. Can you get off of me."

"Oh, Dickie-poo. Why do you have to be so mean?"

"Because you're a annoying, blonde whore that everybody hates." said Raven.

"Ha,ha. Good one, Rae." said Gar, raising his hand for a high five, only to be shot down.

"Whatever," she said while flipping her hair. "So, Dickie-poo. When are we gonna go out?"

"When hell freezes over." mumbled Karen.

"Um, Kitten. I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, aren't you still with Fang." said Dick as nicely as possible.

"We are," said Fang, walking up to us and putting his arm around Kitten. "Let's go, Kitten." Kitten walked away, but Fang stayed behind. "Stay away from my girl, Grayson." Fang said as he walked away.

Kitten has had the biggest crush on Dick for the longest time. Her and Fang have this on again, off again relationship, which is why she flirts with Dick a lot. I know I can handle Kitten, but Fang. That guy gives me the creeps.


"Ah, high school. This is cool, right guys." I said. My two best friends, Alain and Roy, just shrugged.

Alain is one of the coolest guys ever. Girls are almost as crazy over him as they are Dick. He always keeps his black hair silked back. The funny thing is, he's never had a girlfriend. Then there's Roy. Him and Dick are good friends because their both players. Well, not anymore. There still good friends, but Roy isn't a player anymore, ever since he hooked up with Jade, his girlfriend.

"Hey, Wally. Here comes your crush." said Roy, poking me in the arm. I turned to see Jenn and Jade walking over to us. Jade is a Japanese girl, with long black hair and bangs, with green eyes.

"Hey hun." she said giving Roy a kiss on the lips.

"Hey baby. So, you ready for our second year?"

"You bet." she said with a smile. I looked away and faced Jenn. Jenn was a goth with pink hair and pink eyes. She was Jade's best friend.

"Hey, Jenn." I can't help but to like her. There's something about her that's different. That's when I heard someone calling over to us.


"Hey guys!" I said running up to Roy and his friends. We were all good friends since middle school, but not as close as I am with Raven, Karen, Dick ,Vic and Gar.

"Hey red." said Wally, teasing me.

"You have red hair too!" I said playfully.

"So, looks like everyone is here." said Gar.

"Looks like." said Jenn.

"You guys wanna come with us to the auditorium?" asked Dick.

"Sure, we can all sit together." said Alain, and we began walking.

I felt someone pull my arm. It was Wally.

"Hey, Kori, you think you can give me some advice?"

I smiled. "Sure, Wally. What about?"

He spoke lowly, so no one would hear. "I want Jenn to like me. Have any ideas how I can do that."

I smiled again. I knew he liked Jenn. His crush is almost as clear as my crush on Dick. "Roses."


"Roses are the key to a girls heart."

"I thought food was the key to a girls heart."

I laughed. "Come on, before we lose the others."

We finally made it to the auditorium. I saw Xavier and waved to him. He didn't notice me because he was talking to Jonny. I wonder why. Jonny is almost as bad as Fang. I turned my attention forward. On stage was a bunch of teachers. The principal, Mr. Wilson, did most of the talking. It was boring. I heard Vic slap Gar so he would wake up. After what seemed like forever, we finally got our schedule.

Well that's it so far !




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