A Truth to Discover part 2

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Chapter 23: A Truth to Discover part 2

It was a Tuesday morning and Kori carefully placed her books inside her locker. There was still some time left until her first period class began so Kori decided to take her time today. Unknown to her, Jade had spotted her and quickly made her way over to Kori's side. Jade had to get Elliot a date with Kori and she was going to try and persuade her before class began.

Jade tapped Kori on the shoulder. "Hey, Kori."

Kori turned her head. "Oh. Hey Jade. How's it going?" Kori asked as she closed her locker.

"Everything is fine. I actually have some good news for you."

"Me?" Kori asked as they walked to class.

Jade nodded and smiled. "I got you a date."

Kori rose a brow. "A date? Sorry, Jade, but I'm not really looking to go out with a guy right now."

"But it's not just any guy," Jade said. "His name is Elliot."

Kori paused. "Did you say Elliot?"

"Yeah. You heard of him?"

"Heard of him? That guy is a complete weirdo. Every time he talks to me he calls me Star Angel." Kori shivered at the thought of him.

"Oh come on. You just need to give him a chance. He's not as bad as he seems."

"Sorry, Jade, but I'm not interested."

Jade became desperate and grabbed on to Kori's arm. "Please, Kori! I'm desperate. You need to go out with him for me!"

Kori attempted to pull her arm away but to no success. "Jade, the answer is no."

"I'm not letting go until you say yes."

By this time people in the hall began to stare.

Kori began to get embarrassed. "Let go, Jade."

"Please just do me this one favor, Kori. After this I promise not to ask you for anything ever again."

"You always say that."

"Kori, please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. PLEASE!"

"Fine!...Fine, but under one condition."


"I'm only doing this once and Dick can not find out."

"Deal. Thanks, Kori."

Jade ran down into the class room. Kori groaned and ran a hand through her hair.

"What have I gotten myself into."

It was lunch time and Jade had met Roy in the empty computer lab. Elliot had called to let Roy know he had the information. This was their meeting place. Jade's mind raced with thoughts. What if Elliot didn't get the information? She closed her eyes and counted to ten, something she always did to calm herself down. Roy saw this and rubbed her shoulders.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yes," she looked up at him and into his eyes. She couldn't lie to him. "No. I know you said to trust Elliot but what if he messed up?"

"Relax and take a deep breath."

Jade did as she was told.

"Do you trust me?"

Jade nodded her head.

"Then trust me now. Everything will be fine."

He stroked her cheek with affection and their lips met in a passionate kiss. Jade slipped off the table she was sitting on to have a better access to Roy. His arms wrapped around her waist when the door to the room opened.

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