Chemicals react

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Chapter 58: Chemicals react

DRAWING BY: Terra_Markov_Rocker . Check out her drawings go to her page and like and comment on her stories !! . Another chapter made for Vv1455 !!! She's an awesome helpful person .

It was the morning after the day Dick and Kori got back together and the two couldn't be happier. Dick checked his appearance in the mirror at least three times already, hoping he looked alright. Kori was coming over today and he was eager to see her again. Last night had been satisfying for the both of them. They were finally reunited and Dick planned to keep it that way which is why he invited Kori over this morning. He had something to give her to make things official between them.

Dick had pacing around the foyer glancing at his watch every two seconds. Judging by his behavior one could say he was whipped and in all honesty they were right. Dick was whipped. Kori has have the biggest impact on Dick's life ever since they were kids. And now that they were back together Dick was sure things would start looking up for him.

The door bell began to ring and Dick quickly rushed to the door like an excited child. He stopped himself and calmed down a bit, fixing his hair. Dick opened the door and smiled at the girl on the other side. He opened up his arms wide and embraced her.

Kori giggled. "Someone is happy this morning."

"More than you know," Dick said softly. "Come on in."

He took her hand in his and pulled her inside to the living room.

"So, tell me, Dick," said Kori. "Why did you invite me over so early in the morning? What couldn't wait?"

"This," he said as he dangled her necklace in front of her, the star pendent shining brightly. "I want you to wear this, and I want you to continue wearing it."

Kori sighed. "I'll have to think about it..."

Dick made a noise and Kori giggled.

"I'm kidding! I would be more than glad to wear this again," Kori said as she turned around so Dick could put the necklace on for her. "But I will let you know, this is the last time so don't screw it up."

"I'm planning not to," Dick said as he spun her around so they were face to face. "I can't bare being apart from you. I need you more than anything, Kori."

"I need you too, Dick. More than you know."

She kissed him lightly on the lips and embraced him.

It was Monday morning and Dick walked the halls of Jump City High School along side his friends. Whispers and snickers floated along the teenagers. Eyes went to Dick but quickly adverted when Dick looked at them. Dick rose a brow wondering why he was getting so much attention.

"Dude," Gar began. "Why is everyone staring at you?"

"That's what I would like to know." Dick said as he cast a glance at a group of freshman who were staring at him.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Kori assured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

How wrong was she.

Kitten, followed by Mandy and Cindy, walked the halls with a smug smile on her face as she walked towards Dick and his friends.

Raven rolled her eyes. "Slut alert."

Vic turned her head to see what Raven meant and groaned at the sight. "Oh no."

Kitten stopped walking once she was face to face with Dick and Kori. "I'm surprised to see you two back together so soon."

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