Kori the Cheerleader

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Chapter 26: Kori the Cheerleader

It was Wednesday and Jenn found her mind to be a complete wreck. Before Jade left she had appointed Jenn as captain of the cheerleading squad. Jenn agreed, seeing it a favor to Jade. Now she thought different. She had no idea how to be captain. She was scared out of her mind and she just prayed that she didn't screw this up. Two gentle hands found their way and rested on hers shoulders.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."

That helped Jenn relax and she turned around to face her boyfriend. "How can you be so sure, Wally. You don't know how cheerleaders can be, we put up the nice act but we can be real bitch's"

Wally laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm gonna be right there watching you and I'm sure you'll make a great captain."

"I hope your right. Jade made it seem easy," Jenn said, her hands resting on his as they walked out on to the field. They both stopped as they spotted Roy, sitting on a bench where all the football players were. "How's he doing?"

Wally sighed. "I'm not sure. Me and Alain tried talking to him today but he wouldn't answer."

Jenn turned her attention away and grabbed Wally's hand, pulling him along. When Jenn arrived at the cheerleading area, Kitten glared at her. Jenn ignored her and walked over to the girls while Wally took a seat on the bench. He was thankful that he didn't have track practice so he could watch Jenn on her first day as captain. Jenn smiled at him and clapped her hands.

"Okay, team-"

"What is he doing here?" Kitten asked, crossing her arms, a frown on her face."

"He's here to watch." Jenn said, her eyes narrow.

"Just because your captain now doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want." Kitten said, stepping up to Jenn with her hands on her hips.

"First of all; I'm filling in for Jade until she comes back. And second of all; I don't know what's your problem. You used to bring Fang by all the time."

"Fangie-poo was different. I don't feel comfortable with," Kitten glanced over at Wally. "Him here."

"Wally isn't going to get in the way of practice."

"Maybe yes, maybe no," Kitten said, a smirk on her face. "But I just don't like the looks your boyfriend is giving me, then again, who can blame him. your not exactly all that to look at."

"You did not bitch..." Jenn moved in on Kitten who backed up.

Wally saw what was about to happen and leaped to his feet, grabbing Jenn around the waist before she could reach Kitten.

"Easy there, Jenn," Wally said quietly. "This is what she wants. Don't let her win."

Jenn relaxed and he let her go. Jenn glared at Kitten.

"Everyone, take five minutes."

The girls walked off to their break, Kitten with a triumphant smirk on her face. Jenn walked over to the bench, Wally right behind her.

"You should have let me hit those words right back in her mouth ."

"You can't let Kitten get to you."

Jenn sighed as she sat down, burying her face in her hands. "I don't know how Jade put up with her."

"I feel sorry for her parents."

Jenn stiffed a laugh before turning serious. "Wally, about what Kitten said..."

"All lies," Wally said as he leaned in close. "I only have eyes for one girl."

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