A truth to discover

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Chapter 22: A truth to discover

The sun rose to the first day of December and peaked through the shades of a young girls window, bringing in light to her room. The light hit her eyes and she rolled over in a desperate attempt to stay sleeping. The pink Hello Kitty alarm clock didn't help. It beeped and a pair of green eyes reluctantly opened. With a groan she kicked off her bed sheets and sat up in bed.

"Jade," called out from downstairs. "Are you up? It's time to get ready for school."

Jade ran a hand through her long black hair. "Yeah, mom. I'll be ready in a little while."

Jade got out of bed and walked over to her closet. What to wear? She wore a smile on her face as she sung a song in her head. She got into it and began to sway her hips as she grabbed her green tank top and slipped it on. She danced her way over to her dresser to pick out a pair of grey pants and looked up at her pictures placed on top of her dresser.

Their was photos of her and her boyfriend, Roy. Next to those was her with her best friend, Jenn. Then their was numerous pictures of her with her other friends and lastly, her family. Her family photos mainly consisted of mom and her mother's family. Not one picture involved her father.

It wasn't her choice not to include pictures of him, it was because she couldn't. Through out her entire life, Jade had not met her father. Not once. She had never even seen a picture of him. When ever she asked her mother about her father she was rudely shut out. Eventually, Jade just stopped trying to solve the mystery which was her father.

Although this would bring any one down, it didn't bring down Jade. Her life was content. She had the perfect friends, perfect boyfriend. She was even head cheerleader. Her life was content and she felt like nothing could throw her off track.

Until today...

Jade grabbed her back pack and made her way down stairs, struggling to put her long hair in a pony tail and not slip on the stairs. She didn't know why she bothered, Roy would just take her hair out of the pony tail. He always did, he liked her hair down. He said it looks better that way. It was one of the things he liked best about her. Then their was other things.

Roy could be a real bad boy when wanted to be.

By the time Jade reached the bottom of the steps she heard her mom in the living room. She would have walked in but she stopped. Her mom was having a conversation on the phone and by the sound of it, she was upset with whoever was on the other line. Jade knew better then to listen in on people's conversations, but since it was her mom, she decided to listen.

"You have a lot of nerve calling here, Luke." growled Serena.

Jade leaned back in the stair case, her face held a confused look. ' Who's Luke?'

"I don't care what you have to say," Serena continued to talk with a fierce edge in her voice. "It's been so long. She doesn't even know you!"

Another confused look came to Jade's face. She leaned in more to hear better.

"No, Luke! You had your chance and you missed it! I decide what's best for our daughter and what's best for Jade isn't you."

Without giving Luke a chance to reply, Serena hung up the phone. Jade gasped and tried to control her breathing. Her father? Why would her mother be talking to him? Jade retreated up the stairs, being careful not to make any noise, and walked back down.

"Mom, who was that on the phone? I heard you yelling." Jade said with a fake look on her face. She didn't want her mother to know she was listening.

"Oh, Jade. How much did you hear?"

"Nothing really, I was busy getting dressed."

Serena sighed with relief. "It was nothing important. Shouldn't you be getting to school?"

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