Dare you to move

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Chapter 14: Dare you to move

The weekend came and passed. It was now the start of a brand new week and the students hurried to get to their first period class on time.

"So your parents took your car and grounded you?"


Vic was currently telling his friends about the fight he was involved in on Friday. Fighting was a big 'no' with his parents and the price costed him big. His car.

"What about you, Karen?" Kori asked. "Did your parents also inflict punishment?"

Karen nodded. "They took my cell phone and everything."

"I can't believe they would just attack you guys like that," Dick said punching his hand. "If only I'd been there."

"I'm just glad their suspended." Kori said with a sigh of relief. The others nodded in agreement.

Their was less then five minutes till class started and the door crashed open. In walked Gar panting with a light sweat. He walked over to his friends and crashed on to his desk.

"Hey, man, you okay?" Vic asked.

"Fine...just got to catch my breath," Gar leaned back in his seat and looked over at his friends. His eyes fell to the empty seat next to him. He cocked a brow. "Where's Raven."

Raven wasn't one to be late when it came to school.

"Raven called me and said she would not be attending school today." Kori said, sitting in her seat since she was leaning against the wall.

"Is that all she told you, Kori?" Karen asked. "I tried calling her and everything but she never answered. I haven't spoke to or seen her all weekend."

Kori shook her head. "Neither have I. She just called last night to let me know she won't be in school today."

"Is she sick or something?" Dick asked, concern in his voice.

"I don't know, she kept the conversation short."

"That's weird." Vic said.

"Hello," Gar cut in. "This is Raven where talking about. Weird is a main character in her world. I'm sure everything is fine."

The door opened and stepped in the teacher . He placed his brief case on the desk and opened it, pulling out a stack of papers. He turned around and grinned. This could only mean one thing...pop quiz.

Her whole body trembled in pain. Her pillow was soaked with tears that wouldn't stop. Taking off her sheets she pulled her feet out and let them touch the ground. She pushed herself out of bed and almost screamed in agony. The pain was almost unbearable. Her muscle's begged her to let them rest but Raven wasn't one to let pain stop her. The steps she took was small and clung on to her side. She needed to look at herself, she needed to see her face.

Finally making it over to her desk she took hold of the hand mirror that was resting on it. She closed her eyes and brought the mirror to her face. Opening her eyes she stared at her reflection.

The once pale but full of life face wasn't their any more. The unique purple eyes was clouded with tears. Black and blue bruises covered most of her face and a cut was on her upper lip. A single tear rolled down her face and on to the floor.

She grabbed the mirror in her hand and hurled it to the wall. It crashed into the wall and fell to the floor in broken pieces. Her hand cupped her mouth and more tears fell. She fell to the floor and sobbed.

It was now lunch time and the cafeteria was full. The students of Jump City was graced with both an indoor and outdoor cafeteria. It was such a beautiful day outside the gang decided to eat outside. Taking hold of their tray's they grabbed a table and sat down to eat.

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